In a dream I saw crows. What does it mean?

Interpretation of dreams

To dream about a crow is an unfavorable omen. Sad news, illnesses and deaths of loved ones, poverty are waiting for you. Also, such a dream means that you are under the excessive care of a strong person, which you want to get rid of and make decisions on your own. Be persistent and patient. Don't let difficulties break you – challenge them and look for ways to solve them.

The Black Crow

The black crow, according to the dream book, means bad news. Probably, soon you will learn about the illness or death of a loved one, which will be a shock for you.

A crow that flew into the house

If you dreamed of a crow flying into the house, it means that an envious person has got into your environment, who wants to harm, to appropriate your achievements and property.

Be careful when talking. Avoid bragging, do not advertise your virtues and victories. Remember that you can only trust family members.

Kill a crow in a dream
If you happen to kill a crow in a dream, then soon you will be able to overcome the troubles that have fallen out and gain superiority over your opponents.

Do not stop and continue to fight with troubles and enemies – luck will soon smile on you.

Crows according to Miller 's dream book

A crow in a dream – usually to sad events.
To hear them croak means an unfavorable influence on you and, as a result, erroneous actions. This dream warns young men about the tricks and intrigues of the fair sex against them.

Crows according to Freud 's dream book
If you dreamed of a crow or a raven, this indicates that your existing relationship is at the stage when the external obscures the inner essence. You feel good in bed, but you don't really know what feelings, other than longing, bind you and make your new union so attractive to both of you. On sober reflection, you begin to realize that harmony and mutual understanding between you reign only in bed, whereas in normal times you hardly find what you could talk about. Most likely, you are really connected only by intimate relationships.

Crows according to Vanga 's dream book

The raven is a sad messenger, proclaiming by its cry and even by its appearance about misfortunes and troubles.
If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air – soon there will be a military conflict, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for crows and sorrow, mourning for people.

To see a screaming raven is a sure sign that death is hanging over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come.

A dream in which crows build nests in trees foreshadows a disease that will affect people and livestock, so that animal meat will stop eating. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy.

If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, such a dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and birds will not find grains, they will die in great numbers if they do not escape by flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest.

To kill a raven in a dream – in reality you will be powerless before the fatal illness of someone close to you, medicines will not help, no matter how much you hope for them and for doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will make his last days in this world bright.

You kill a black bird (a deadly disease) in a dream, considering it the source of suffering – relief for the patient, and he knows it, and you need to put up with it.

Crows according to Hasse 's dream book
To see a crow is a loss; to hear a cry is a misfortune; to see flying around the house is death; to see how they steal – you experience mortal fear; to frighten – to track down a thief or a fraudster.

Flying crows – near death; catching with your hands – disagreement; in the trees – a family meeting, to hear croaking – to receive bad news.

Crows according to the Family Dream Book

Usually a crow – dreams of sad events.
To hear the croaking of a crow in a dream leads to bad influence and erroneous actions.
This dream warns young men about tricks and intrigues against them on the part of the fair sex.

Crows according to the dream book of Dmitry and the Hope of Winter
The image of a crow in a dream is always a harbinger of trouble. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

To hear crows croaking in a dream is a warning that you risk suffering because of someone's gossip or harmful advice. On such days, be careful with others and do not give them a reason for gossip or comments.

At the same time, to dream of a wise raven sitting on an oak tree is a sign that your troubles will eventually turn out for the good.

Crows according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov
Raven – dream-warning: be careful, in the near future (within 28 days) drastic changes in your fate are likely.

A crow leads to illness if it flies; a croak leads to a long illness, but with a positive outcome.

Crows according to the Spring dream book
To see a raven leads to illness; to hear – to bad news.

Crows according to the dream book from A to Z

To see a raven in a dream – foreshadows a turn in fate for the worse. For a young girl, this is a warning about the infidelity of a loved one. A raven flying around the house is a harbinger of someone's death in the house. Croaking raven – unfortunately in the family of friends or neighbors. A raven pecking at something - you will survive a deadly fear.

Scare away a raven that has flown away from you with a cry – track down a thief or a fraudster. To kill a raven is to escape from a dangerous opponent. Eating raven meat leads to trouble in love.

To dream of a crow is a harbinger of sad events, losses and bad news. Flying crows – for the funeral. Croaking crows – you will make a number of mistakes under the influence of those who are extremely interested in this.

To catch crows – you will not find a common language with those with whom there was, it would seem, a complete understanding before. A flock of crows sitting on a tree – you have to go to a meeting, from which there will be no use. Wounded crow – something is being planned against you by men.

Crows according to Simon Kananit 's dream book
Troubles, failure in business – flying – near death – catching with your hands – disagreement – in the trees – family meeting – hear croaking – you will get bad news

Ravens according to Fedorovskaya 's dream book

I dreamed of a raven – wait for the bad news.
If you dreamed of a dead raven, someone from your friends will receive bad news.

In a dream you have become a raven – get ready for big troubles in business.

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at a raven – know that things will soon go badly, and you will have a lot of trouble to fix them.

You watched someone throw a stone at a raven – to unpleasant news from distant relatives.

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