In a dream to see yourself naked. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


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In a dream to see yourself naked. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw a wolf. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


The Wolf according to Azar 's dream book

The wolf is the enemy.
Wolf bitten – danger.
Hunting wolves is the discovery of a conspiracy or a plan.
To kill a wolf is death to the enemy.

The Wolf according to the dream book by Evgeny Tsvetkov
The wolf is the enemy.

The Wolf according to a Modern dream book
To see a wolf in a dream means that you trust a person who will later betray your interests.

To kill a wolf in a dream means that you will defeat a cunning insidious enemy who seeks to tarnish you with shame.

If in a dream you hear the howl of a wolf – soon you will discover the secret alliance of your enemies seeking to defeat you.

The wolf according to Schiller's dream book is
a predatory enemy and troubles, betrayal and lies.

The Wolf according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

You see a wolf in a dream – you are too trusting; and now an unworthy person enjoys your trust; this person does not link his fate with you, but connects it with your competitors; in order to please your enemies, he gives them your secrets; you will soon feel how difficult it is to work when competitors are ahead in everything you. It's as if you hear a wolf howling – you will become aware that enemies or competitors have conspired to act together against you. You kill a wolf in your sleep – despite the fact that your enemies are cunning and enterprising, they will be defeated. You see yourself in the image of a wolf – your friends are unkind people; you yourself in their society are not what you would like to see yourself; you will, as it were, see yourself from the outside and be ashamed.

The Wolf according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina
Wolf – can symbolize a person's greed and dealings with him.

To see wolves is an enemy with whom you have to fight / the soul of a suicide / your greed, avarice, passion for acquisition and the damage that a person suffers from these qualities / to make an enemy, a quarrel.

To hear the howling of wolves is need, loneliness.

To see a wolf pack is a clash with the enemy.

Being in a pack is a threat.

A rapidly running wolf pack – damage from enemies.

To hunt wolves is to open a conspiracy.

To kill him is a victory over the enemy.

His meat is there – favorable circumstances.

To catch a wolf or to have one is to become an object of ridicule, to get into a ridiculous position.

The wolf according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
You have a strong and dangerous enemy. Imagine that you set a pack of dogs on a wolf, and they tear it apart (see Dog).

The wolf according to the dream book of the subconscious

The wolf is a deceptive, potentially cruel image of a manipulator. A dream about a wolf can symbolize the negative aspects of the character of the sleeper. On the other hand, since wolves in dreams are usually frightening, they may be a reflection of some frightening character from real life. It is very important to remember what the character and mood of the wolf was. For example, if the wolf was vulnerable in a dream, you may be misjudging yourself or the personality of close friends and relatives. Wolves also carry sexual connotations; thus, a dream about a wolf can be associated with the sleeper's attitude to sex.

Positive value

Attack the wolf or kill him -you will be able to overcome several obstacles in an effort to achieve the goal. Was the wolf a member of the wolf pack? This can be an indicator of loyalty to family, friends or colleagues.

Negative implications

Some consider the wolf a symbol of cruelty, rigidity and infidelity. Being bitten by a wolf in a dream – it is possible that opponents will hurt you.


Wolves are powerful: to testify about the fear of the beast inside you, about the potential for destructive activity. Dreams about wolves (especially if wolves are aggressive) are often associated with suppression – usually of a sexual nature.

Pack of wolves / Wolf's head. The multitude of wolves advancing menacingly together indicates a fear of robbery or deception. However, a wolf's head can predict success at work. The fabulous wolf. In a woman's dream, a fairy-tale wolf can symbolize the fear of male sexuality. Wolf fangs / The howling wolf. The wolf's teeth symbolize fear of the unknown or anxiety about the future. A howling wolf can be a cry for help from a family member or a close friend.

The Wolf according to the big online dream book
If you dreamed of a wolf, you know that there is a hidden enemy lurking in your immediate environment, who is secretly plotting against you.

If in your dream you are participating in a wolf hunt, this means that in the very near future you will seriously quarrel with someone from your loved ones. It is quite possible that this quarrel will be provoked by your hidden enemy.

You dreamed that you were watching someone hunting wolves - this means that in the near future you will find yourself accidentally witnessing a quarrel of your friends.

If you dreamed that you caught and caught a wolf – you know, you will have an unpleasant need to participate in a fight, which, moreover, you will not start at all.

You dreamed that you killed a wolf with your own hands – this dream suggests that, unfortunately, big troubles await you ahead, which may be connected, among other things, with the exposure of your enemy.

A dream in which you watched someone kill a wolf means that someone from your loved ones is in big trouble ahead, which will be very difficult to avoid.

The wolf according to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya
Wolf – To an intimate friend, husband. A pack of wolves – for the wedding. If a girl dreams of a wolf, and she goes with him and is not afraid, then she will get married soon, and if she is afraid, then the marriage will be undesirable. If a guy dreams of a wolf, and he is not afraid of her, then he will get married soon.

The Wolf according to the dream book of Prince Zhou-gong
The ferocious wolf stands motionless. – Foreshadows a happy meeting with an official. Jackals, wolves and angry dogs. – Thieves and robbers. The wolf devours the meat on the leg. – It speaks of a disadvantaged situation.

The Wolf according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

The wolf symbolizes the envy of others in relation to the person who saw this dream. A wolf entering your house is a sign warning of the possibility of a conflict with the authorities. If the wolf also causes damage to the house, then you are in danger of persecution! If the wolf did not cause damage to the house, then get ready for the visit of a high person in reality. However, if you happen to see a wolf in your own bed, and even in the company of your half, the family idyll will come to an end due to the machinations of an influential and powerful person. Find the wolf's head – to glory. Taste the wolf's milk in a dream – be ready to face danger in reality!

The Wolf according to a Modern dream book
Wolf is a predatory enemy, trouble, betrayal, lies

The Wolf according to the British dream book
Wolves have a dual reputation. On the one hand, they are regarded as romantic animals, on the other – they are predators. The meaning of the image in a dream will depend on how you view these animals, what they mean to you. Do you think wolves are noble, strong, loyal animals? Wise mentors? Ruthless killers? Pack animals working in a group? What is the dream about: If you dreamed of a lone wolf, do you feel like a lone wolf, elusive and independent? Or are you afraid that someone is trying to grab something that you consider only your own, such as a loved one? If a pack of wolves participated in the dream, what did you do – did you run with them or from them? Think about what this might mean according to how you treat wolves in principle. Maybe some part of you is striving for the freedom and wildness of a wolf's life, or in real life you are being pursued by a pack of snarling biting problems?

The Wolf according to Artemidore 's dream book
According to Artemidorus, a wolf in a dream means a predatory, openly attacking enemy. Other interpretations of Hunting wolves On Tuesday night are to enter into an open fight with their enemies. To hunt wolves –on any other night–to see intrigue and treachery where there is no trace of them. To see a wolf. For a woman – On Tuesday night – to show reasonable caution at a chance meeting with a stranger; on any other night – to an unbridled outburst of passion and thirst for entertainment. For a man – On Tuesday night – to a timely warning about the danger that threatens you or to an intuitive unwillingness to do something; On any other night – to a constant desire to eat something.

The Wolf according to an old Russian dream book
A sign of a quarrel with a strong, stingy and unscrupulous person; to be bitten by them is a sign of oppression from this person and the evil they have inflicted on us; to kill a wolf is a sign of triumph over a strong enemy; to catch a wolf foreshadows reconciliation with friends; to fight wolves means a quarrel and a fight with someone; riding a wolf marks a triumph over tricks a strong enemy; wolf meat means overcoming the enemy; seeing a wolf herd in a dream portends a loss; however, it should be noted that the number of wolves seen in a dream is always equal to the number of unhappy years that we still have to spend.

The Wolf according to the Psychoanalytic dream book

A wolf in a dream may indicate that someone is threatening the dreamer. He may have violent sadistic fantasies, for which he will not have to answer. The wolf is a cheeky girl, but at the same time caring for orphans and rejected teenagers.

The Wolf according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea
Wolf – Wolf embodies the fear of someone or something. Sometimes it reflects the greed, bitterness of the dreamer himself. You have an enemy that makes your life difficult. If you beat a wolf in a dream, then in real life your relationship will improve.

The Wolf according to the Russian dream book
Wolf – merciless and cruel behavior; if a wolf bites you – to a serious danger; wolf howl – it will be possible to expose a secret conspiracy against you; to catch a wolf – to reconciliation with the enemy; a lone wolf is a symbol of isolation from society.

The Wolf according to E. Erickson's dream book
The wolf is a hostile, cruel and cunning person. A pack of wolves attacks – to give rise to vindictive situations. To hear the howl of a wolf is a warning of danger.

The Wolf according to the Women 's dream book
Wolf – Dreams in which a wolf appears warn that there is a person among your colleagues who is capable of betrayal and theft. To kill a wolf means that you will expose ill-wishers who seek to defame you, this is how the Wolf interprets the dream book.

The Wolf according to the housewife 's dream book
Wolf – being held captive by negative emotions; fear; lack of friendly relations; enemy. To hear a wolf howl is depression; to be a wolf is longing.

The wolf according to Dashku's dream book
is a symbol of danger; an enemy.

The Wolf according to Cleopatra's dream book

The wolf is a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, anger and insatiability. In real life, the wolf acts independently and brings a lot of evil to people and many animals.
To dream of a wolf hunting for some animal means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; you can solve the problems that have arisen only by yourself.

If a wolf does not catch up with an animal in a dream, then such a dream suggests that you should not take up the case offered to you, otherwise you will lose everything you have.

Watching a wolf standing near a high mountain and looking at an animal grazing on it in a dream is a sign that in real life you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will be able to get out with honor and even benefit. If the animal is standing on a mountain on which there is no vegetation, and

The wolf is down in the green meadow, then in the near future your enemies will show themselves, but despite all their efforts, they will not be able to defeat you, because you are much smarter and smarter than them.

If you dreamed of a wolf lying in wait for its prey near a herd of grazing cattle, then this dream is clear evidence that in real life, despite all your efforts, you will not be able to prevent evil.

To dream of a wolf secretly quenching thirst from a trough of pets – indicates that there is a very evil person in your environment, whose actions are insidious and at the same time secretive. Such a dream may also mean that you should be very careful, otherwise you yourself will not understand how you will lose your job, property, family and, possibly, even life.

Caring for a wounded wolf in a dream is a sign that you are going to meet a person about whom you have previously heard only the worst. But such a dream also says that these rumors will not be justified, and you will realize that this person is not as bad as you were told.

Threatening your child with a wolf in a dream means that in real life your words almost always diverge from the deed.

Listening to a wolf howl in a dream is evidence that you will soon be falsely accused. Perhaps such a dream suggests that someone close to you is plotting against you.

The Wolf according to the Maya dream book
Good value If the animal has a mouth in the blood, then very soon you will have a loyal and reliable companion. To make sure this happens, draw a circle on the wall with yellow hollow paint, and enter a triangle into it.

Bad meaning If the animal is sleeping, then soon your enemies will start acting and none of your friends will be able to protect you. To protect yourself, draw a thin red stripe on each nail. And before you enter the room, throw one coffee bean over your right shoulder for a week.

The Wolf according to the dream book of catch phrases
WOLF – hungry as a wolf – to experience a strong animal craving for something; seizure, aggression. Cf. – brutal hunger, wolfish appetite – a strong passion, an instinctive need. Wolf in sheep's clothing is a disguise of aggression. Howling like a wolf is a misfortune, a misfortune. Throw it to the wolves – cynicism, cruelty, inhumanity.

The Wolf according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
Has a more negative meaning than a dog (see Dog).

The wolf according to the Old Russian dream
book is the enemy.

The wolf according to the dream book for women

Man and wolf have always been enemies. To see a wolf in a dream – to clash and fight with enemies. Sleep from Monday to Tuesday – symbolizes the news of a possible illness or even death of one of your friends. If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday – tragic loneliness awaits you as a result of an accident that will deprive you of your loved ones for a while. Sleep on Wednesday is evidence that you need to find the strength in yourself and despite all the difficulties to deal with the unsettled life, material difficulties. If the wolf is aggressive towards you, then you will soon learn about what has already happened, but the consequences of which you have just begun to feel.

The wolf according to the dream book of the Pechora healer
Wolf – to an intimate friend, husband.

A pack of wolves – for the wedding.

If a girl dreams of a wolf, and she goes with him and is not afraid, then she will get married soon, and if she is afraid, then the marriage will be undesirable.

If a guy dreams of a wolf, and he is not afraid of her, he will get married soon.

The Wolf according to the Muslim dream book
The wolf is a cruel king, and the fox is a man prone to deceit and deceit.

The Wolf according to the dream book of the future
Wolves – betrayal, lies, troubles originating from a person from your environment; a wolf bitten – to serious danger; to hear a wolf howl – you will be able to expose a secret conspiracy against you; to catch a wolf – to reconciliation with the enemy.

Wolf according to the Idiomatic dreambook

Hungry as a wolf – to experience a strong animal craving for something; brutal hunger, wolf appetite - a strong passion, instinctive need; wolf in sheep's clothing – masking aggression; howl wolf – misfortune, trouble; throw to the mercy wolves – cynicism, cruelty, inhumanity.

The wolf according to the dream book for the whole family
Man and wolf have always been enemies.

To see a wolf in a dream – to clash and fight with enemies.

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday – symbolizes the news of a possible illness or even death of one of your friends.

If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday – tragic loneliness awaits you as a result of an accident that will deprive you of your loved ones for a while.

Sleep on Wednesday is evidence that you need to find the strength in yourself and despite all the difficulties to deal with the unsettled life, material difficulties.

The Wolf according to the American dream book
Wolves – society, public duty; caring for the family.

The Wolf according to Solomon 's dream book
Wolves – trouble, betrayal, lies; quarrel with relatives.

The wolf according to the dream book of lovers
If a girl dreams of a wolf, it means that someone from her entourage is trying to denigrate her in front of the person she is in love with.

To kill a wolf in a dream means victory over slanderers and evil people.

The Wolf according to Martin Zadeki 's dream book

To see a wolf is an enemy; to see many is a kindred quarrel.

The Wolf according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book
To see a wolf is to be wary of thieves.

To see pigs or wolves leads to illness.

The Wolf according to the Russian dream book
The wolf is a very strong enemy.

The Wolf according to the Russian dream book
The wolf is a symbol of danger; the enemy.

The Wolf according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gong
A ferocious wolf stands motionless – foreshadows a happy meeting with an official.

Jackals, wolves and evil dogs are thieves and robbers.

The wolf devours the meat on the leg – it speaks of a disadvantaged situation.

The Wolf by the Dream Interpreter of 1829

A wolf is a sign of a quarrel with a strong, stingy and unscrupulous person; to be bitten by him is a sign of oppression from this person and the evil they have inflicted on us; to kill a wolf is a sign of triumph over a strong enemy; to catch a wolf foreshadows reconciliation with friends; to fight wolves means a quarrel and a fight with someone; on a wolf riding – marks the triumph over the tricks of a strong enemy; eating wolf meat means overcoming the enemy; seeing a wolf herd in a dream foreshadows a loss; however, it should be noted that the number of wolves seen in a dream is always equal to the number of unhappy years that we still have to spend.

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In a dream I saw a wolf. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw water. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Water according to the Summer dream book

Pumping water from a pump is pumping money out of someone.
To see muddy water in the river after a flood leads to shallowing of the river.
To be afraid to enter the water in a dream is to resist any evil in reality.

To dream how your apartment is flooded: water pours from all the cracks, and it seems that it will never end – to a clash with neighbors.
Hot water – to gossip.

To dream of a carafe of water standing on a festively decorated table – to fullness, contentment with life.

To dream of a calm surface of water – to a stormy passion, as in the song it is sung: Love is not quiet water, but a stormy current.

Take a sip of water in a dream – in reality you just want to drink.

Mineral water – Take care of your health.

Cold water is happiness.

To draw water is hypocrisy.

Carrying water in buckets is lucky.

Water according to the Autumn dream book
To carry water in buckets – to profit.

Pumping water from the pump is laborious work.

Muddy water – dreams of clouding the mind.

If you are swimming in a river in a dream and are terribly afraid of drowning – in reality you will be afraid that you will be accused of something,

To dream of a boundless sea of water is a great success.

If you can't get a drink of hot water in a dream, expect big trouble.

To dream of a decanter without water at a time when you really want to drink – to hopeless grief.

The surface of the water – to calm.

Drink a sip of water in a dream – to the disease.

To draw water – to ruin, complete bankruptcy.

Water according to the dream book from A to Z

To see water in a dream – in general means abundance and wealth.
If the water is clean, I am not clouded – this foreshadows a joyful prospect full of pleasures and well-being.

Dirty water – you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency.

To dream how tap water floods your apartment – foreshadows that you will fight, resisting adverse circumstances.

Walking in a dream on dew and getting your feet wet is a harbinger of illness and financial collapse, which you will be able to prevent only if you are careful and reasonable.

To fall into dirty water means that in reality you will make many such mistakes that will bring grief not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

Drinking muddy water in a dream is a sign of illness, warm water is a danger from a serious enemy, boiling water is fortunately clean and fresh – a sign of the safe return of a loved one.

Cold water – peace of mind, loyal friends.

Consecrated water – to quick success.

Seeing the water drying up is a change in the weather for the better.

Scooping water is a long occupation and a lot of trouble.

Spilling water in your room is a hassle and a hassle.

Cold water from a well or spring – to health.

To throw yourself into the water is to be pursued.

Diving into the water is a difficult situation.

Wash your hands – refuse the proposed case.

Drowning in water means encountering obstacles.

To wade across a pond or river is to get rid of danger.

Swim in the water – those who suspected you of something will be convinced of the groundlessness of their suspicions.

To see people bathing or washing in the water is to find a common language with the enemy.

Scalded with boiling water – suffer losses due to their own sluggishness.

Walking on water in a dream – you will overcome all obstacles on your way.

To hear the sound of water – you will suddenly be condemned.

Jumping over water is a sign of the fulfillment of some difficult task.

Watering something with water is sad.

See the waterfall – get important news.

If you dream that splashes of water fall on your head, it means hard work, failure, sadness and anxiety.

To dream of railway tracks flooded with water – misfortune will soon overshadow the joy of life, but not for long.

To see or drink mineral water in a dream – take care of your health.

To see others drinking it is a harbinger of good luck that will favor your efforts, and soon you will enjoy the opportunities provided to satisfy your long–standing cravings.

To dream of a water pump or pump out water with it is to avoid danger.

To drop something into the well water - you will not endure the unfavorable situation that has arisen due to your abuse of your power.

To fall into the well water is a harbinger of despair, which will cover you with false news.

Water according to Fedorovskaya 's dream book
If you dreamed that you were washing your face with water, troubles will fall on you, and from the side from where you least expect them.

Pouring water in a dream is a great grief.

You dreamed that you poured out the water – there is a danger ahead that will not be so easy to avoid.

In a dream, you pour water into a vessel - minor troubles await you.

A carafe of water – predicts a pleasant date.

If you dreamed that you were looking at your reflection in the water, you will soon become seriously ill.

Walking on water in a dream is a great joy.

If you dreamed that you were pumping water, you will be successful in business.

A dream in which you are doused with water means: they will arrange a trick for you.

Water according to the Esoteric dream book
Water is clean to health, positive result, positive.

Dirty – unpleasant work, negative result, negative.

Water according to the dream book of a modern woman
To dream of clean water means joy, improvement of well–being, a lot of pleasure.

Drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable completion of the most daring endeavors.

Muddy water – foreshadows danger or despondency.

Falling into muddy water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes.

Drinking muddy water leads to illness.

If you dream that water has flooded your home and continues to rise at the same time – you will fight and resist evil.

If, on the contrary, the water decreases – give in to a dangerous influence.

If you dream of splashes of water falling on your head, it means the awakening of passionate love that will bring you happiness.

Water according to Azar 's dream book

To sit in the water – be careful, people are gossiping about you. The water is hot – to the shame. If the water is clean, well–being. Floating on a tree on water – unfulfilled hopes. A stream with clear water is a pleasant future. Lettuce wash in water – happiness, luck. To hear the sound of water – in reality you will hear an oath. A well with muddy water – bad prospects for the future

swimming in muddy water is a small change in position

muddy water is an obstacle

muddy creek – incur losses and losses

swimming in muddy water – obstacles

Water according to Evgeny Tsvetkov 's dream book
To drink clean water – fortunately; muddy – to illness; warm – to chagrin, illness.

Walking in muddy water is a disappointment for the better.

Immersion in water – to get into a difficult situation in a personal one.

To wash – to joy, liberation.

Pouring is a shame, a mistake.

Watering leads to loss.

To draw water is woe.

Looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter.

Water splashed on his head – an unexpected passion.

Water gushed out from under the floor - secret enemies, unexpected, unforeseen obstacles; from the walls – penetration, defenselessness.

The source is dangerous credulity.

Water according to a Modern dream book

To see a calm, smooth surface means that your life will be easy and carefree.
If the water was restless, the following days will be full of worries and worries.
If you saw your reflection in the water in a dream – in some ways you will deceive yourself.

Reflection of strangers and objects – foreshadows deception and disappointment.

To dream of clean water – to prosperity and pleasure.

If the water is dirty, you are in danger and pleasure will be replaced by gloomy despondency.

To see that water floods your house – predicts the fight against evil. But until the water subsides, you will be in danger.

To see yourself bailing out water and with wet feet is a harbinger of troubles, troubles and diseases that will cause you a lot of trouble and that you will overcome thanks to your foresight. The same meaning has a dream – in which muddy water floods the ship.

Falling into dirty water is a sign that you will make many hurtful mistakes and will suffer bitterly from their consequences.

Drinking dirty water leads to illness; drinking it clean leads to a favorable fate and happy hopes for the future.

Playing and splashing in the water means an unexpected awakening of passion and love.

Splashing water on your head is a sign that your passion will be mutual.

If you dream that you are at a spring with sparkling water – it promises you joy and satisfaction after numerous exhausting trials.

Treating others to this or that delicious chilled drink in a dream is a sign that your efforts will be rewarded, even if at the moment it seems to you that your future is full of contradictions.

To dream that you are engaged in water slalom means that an avalanche of problems will fall on you and you will have to literally swim out of them.

If you are studying water slalom, be extremely careful in choosing friends. They can give you an unpleasant surprise.

A person who dreamed that he was climbing a gutter will achieve his goal illegally.

To fall off the gutter is a warning sign, you should not commit a crime, exposure will follow immediately.

The one who moved down the gutter in a dream will be able to get out of a delicate situation in a very unexpected way.

If you dream that you are drinking mineral water, it is a sign that fate will be kind to your endeavors and you will be glad of the opportunities that have opened up to fulfill your innermost desire.

Water according to the dream book of Schiller the Schoolboy
pure and transparent good fame, success and prosperity; muddy, dirty, dark sadness, resentment, gossip and damage in business.

Water according to the dream book of Catherine the Great
You dream of clear, calm water – a good dream; it portends abundance for you; it's time to open chests and caskets and fill them with good; you will have good prospects. You dream of muddy water – your well–being is shaky; your well-being is under threat; joy goes away, despondency comes. The water seems to flood your house – the dream says that evil has taken up arms against you; you will be subjected to great trials and dangers. You drink pure water – good luck awaits you. You drink dirty water – you will get sick, and it will not be easy to recover from this disease. It's as if you stumbled and fell into dirty water – financial difficulties await you, and you decide to waste other people's funds; it is possible that you will be caught in this. Cold water dreams of recovery, health promotion. Warm water leads to illness.

Water according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina

Water is the unconscious forces of the soul and, above all, the world of feelings; it can be the personification of animals or an unconscious return to a childishly naive worldview, but also a symbol of inertia, passivity, and therefore hindrances and diseases.

Pure means joy, something good.

Muddy, dirty, gloomy – everything unfavorable and above all sadness.

Drinking clean and well water is health.

Swimming in clean water is a carefree life, recovery.

Swimming in the pond is a hassle.

Swimming in dirty and muddy water is a disease, an accusation.

To see children bathing is a joy for parents.

Diving is a misfortune / dangerous self–knowledge.

Drinking muddy or warm water is sad.

Boiling water is happiness.

Water according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
Clean – to health, muddy – to trouble. Drinking water is the fulfillment of an old dream. Imagine crystal clear water, cool and fresh. Wash with this water, drink it, swim in it. If there is muddy water in a dream, let it be cleaned with powerful filters.

Water according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A.Roberti

Water is the desire to have children. In a dream, birth is always associated with water. To enter or leave the water means to be born or to give birth (i.e. to give birth or to be born themselves in a spiritual sense). Water symbolizes the amniotic fluid in which the baby is in the mother's womb.

Water according to the dream book of the Otavalos Indians
If you dreamed of crystal clear water, you will meet an honest person, dirty water – dishonest.

Water according to Vrublevskaya's dream
book, See different manifestations of water, for example, River, Sea, etc.

Water according to the Folklore dream book
Pouring water is a shame, a disgrace.

An additional idiom: pouring water – talking nonsense, gossiping.

Water according to a Psychological dream book
Water is a universal symbol of the unconscious, emotions, sometimes secrets, danger.

Coming out of the water is a symbol of birth (perhaps the birth of a new idea, a new period in life).

Water according to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya

What water dreams about is Trouble. It's bad to swim across the river. Swimming in dirty water leads to illness.

Water according to a Modern dream book
Clean water – luck, well–being, muddy, dirty - depression, resentment, gossip

Water according to the English dream book
In most cases, water symbolizes the spirit, and especially emotions: both can cause thirst, purify and refresh, and can drown or make you drown, depending on the context. What is the dream about: What form did the water take? Have you immersed yourself in it, enjoyed it, or used it for something? Did she bring you back to life or threaten you?

What does Water mean in a dream – Water is one of the substances necessary for life; you can live much longer without food than without water. What a dream is about: Dreams in which you drink a lot of water mean that you feel dry – without emotions, without feelings, without ideas, especially if you can't quench your thirst in a dream.

Water according to the Big dream book
Water – To drink clean – to happiness; muddy – to illness; what dreams of blue, blue water – meeting; cold – health; to go in muddy water – disappointment; immersion in water – to get into a difficult situation in personal; to wash – to joy, liberation; to wash your hands – a difficult situation (for the patient), detachment from business (for healthy); pouring water – to shame a mistake; watering – to loss; preparing to dive – a risky business, a quick temptation; rushing into the water – to be pursued; water gushed from under the floor – secret enemies, an unexpected obstacle; from the walls – penetration, defenselessness.

Water according to Phoebe's big dream book

Water – all your ailments will disappear without a trace, you will be absolutely healthy. Imagine any reservoir with absolutely clear, crystal clear water, through which the bottom is clearly visible. The surface of the water is smooth and Calm, illuminated Through by the sun. You go into the water up to your ankles. It is pleasantly cool, refreshing. You walk calmly on the water, and at the same time it remains the same clean and transparent.

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In a dream I saw water. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw crows. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Crows according to the Esoteric dream Book

The crow is a slander that cannot be trusted.
Dead – there will be no harm.
Croaking – it will be very insulting.
A lot of crows – they will incline publicly.

Crows according to the dream book of a modern woman
The raven or crow are sad messengers, announcing by their cry and even by their appearance about unfortunate events and disasters.

Crows cawing in a dream – warns that as a result of adverse external influences, you will commit erroneous actions. Such a dream warns young men against female tricks and intrigues.

If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, such a dream predicts a lean year and high cost.

Crows according to Azar 's dream book
Crow – bad news

Crows according to the dream book by Evgeny Tsvetkov
To see a crow is a loss, a misfortune; cawing is bad news; many flying ones are for funerals.

Crows according to a Modern dream book
Crows – depressive news, boredom, illness

A crow in a dream is a sign of failure and grief.

To hear the croaking of a crow means that under the influence of others you will unwisely dispose of your property. For a young man, such a dream means that in real life he will succumb to the tricks and tricks of insidious women.

To dream of a raven leads to a change in fate and an unworthy environment. A young woman has such a dream – foreshadows that her lover will betray her.

Crows according to the Eastern dream Book

Crows are a sad messenger, announcing misfortunes and troubles with their cry and appearance.
To see a screaming raven – to someone's death.

Crows according to the dream book of Schiller the Schoolboy
sad news, anguish and illness.

Crows according to the dream book of Catherine the Great
You dream of a crow flying in the sky – you will be robbed or severely cheated in the near future; a greedy person will act dishonestly towards you; you will show mercy, and they will be dissatisfied with this, they will say: Little by little a Crow jumps near you on the ground – sad events are expected in your life. A crow is cawing over your head – you, despite your remarkable intelligence, can fall under a bad influence; the wise are also mistaken; a woman whom you have not honored with reciprocity can turn against you; it's bad if this woman is your immediate superior.

Crows according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina
Raven – the merciless truth / a certain sage.

Sitting next to you is sadness.

A flying raven is news; most likely, sad.

Misfortune/catastrophe is hovering over you.

In a cage – a thief / your suspicions will come true in the most unpleasant way.

The cry of the raven – unfortunately.

To kill him is victory/getting rid of a dangerous rivalry.

Eating it is a nuisance.

Crow – joy / witch, a woman with an evil eye.

Her meat is to be bewitched, enchanted.

Crows according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
To sad events. Imagine that you put a scarecrow and the crows fly away (see Scarecrow).

Crows according to the Folklore dream book
The crow cawed – to trouble, death, misfortune.

Crows according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
Usually it is a symbol of depraved and vicious people! In some cases, it can also mean a quarrel, the cause of which is a certain woman. If you dreamed that you were holding a raven in your hands, then in reality you will meet a person who is completely not worth your attention, and only waste your time. A dream about friendship with a raven is favorable and means that in reality you will be able to catch a robber red-handed. A dream about hunting a raven is a harbinger of meaningless pastime. Plucking a crow's feathers is for a love date; most likely, your chosen one will turn out to be a subject of another state. When you kill a raven in a dream, the most important thing is to remember the place where you finished it! If, upon waking up, you are able to remember exactly where this place is, then it is best for you not to go there, since it is currently a haven for criminals. Also, sometimes killing a raven means that your family is in trouble. A flock of crows symbolizes the military army. The green raven portends good. White and yellow crows announce an imminent illness. The black raven is a symbol of trouble.

Crows according to a Modern dream book
Depressive news, boredom, illness

Crows according to the English dream book

Crows traditionally symbolize death, and it is unfortunate to see them in a dream. What is the dream about: Maybe someone or something - a relationship or a job – has been showing signs of completion lately? Or are you worried that they may end, but you don't want to accept this possibility?

Crows according to an Intelligent dream book
To hear a screaming man – to the dead man; to kill him – to escape from a dangerous rival; to see a pack of them – a swindler, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

To see a dream of a Crow is a joy, so the dream that you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Crows according to an Old Russian dream book
In a dream, to see a sitting woman means the imminent end of old affairs: to kill a crow or a crow is a sign of triumph over the enemy; to catch a crow means to avoid some misfortune; to eat crow meat portends hunger and poverty.

Crows according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea
A sign of unpleasant news, sadness, poverty. A lot of crows is a misfortune, someone's death. To kill a crow is to get rid of suffering, rivalry.

Crows according to the Russian dream book
Crow – stupid woman; loss, loss; mockery. Perhaps you will have to get rid of a heavy dependence on any woman.

Crows according to the Jewish dream book
A dream that I had on Thursday night foreshadows getting rid of troubles. A dream dreamed on any other night is a disaster. A crow with a broken wing is a message that everyone around believed and which turned out to be false.

Crows according to the Women's dream book

The crow – Raven or crow are sad messengers, announcing by their cry and even by their appearance about unfortunate events and disasters. The croaking of crows in a dream warns that as a result of adverse external influences, you will commit erroneous actions. Such a dream warns young men against female tricks and intrigues. If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, such a dream predicts a lean year and high cost, this is how the Raven interprets the dream book.

Crows according to the Magical Dream Book
A crow is an elderly interlocutor, a cloud of crows is for someone's demise, a flying and cawing crow is for bad news. Catching a crow with your hands leads to disagreement with the opinion of others. Crows gathered in a flock in the trees – a home family gathering.

Crows according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book
It's a joy to see a crow.

Crows according to the dream book of catch phrases
Crow – to croak trouble. Counting crows is an aimless pastime. To bury – to miss.

Crows according to the Men's dream book
This bird portends disaster, problems and the collapse of immediate plans. Sleep is especially unfavorable if you dreamed of a croaking crow or a flock of crows. Even if you are very careful and vigilant, you will not avoid problems. The only thing you can do is survive the black streak in your life by treating problems philosophically.

Crows according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
The crow is the wisdom of the beholder. Indicates the presence of guardianship on the part of the mother or another woman, and the guardianship is negative – by the type of hyperprotoction. Reflects a person's desire to be wiser and inability to independently find the right solutions to his specific problem. This situation indicates the presence of dependence on another person – a wiser one and indicates hyper-protection on his part.

Crows according to Shuvalova 's dream book
A crow in a dream indicates a lack of independence, negative guardianship on the part of the mother, or another woman. Get rid of an old, painful addiction – and gain the ability to independently find the right solutions to your problems. You already have enough strength for this!

Crows according to the Old Russian dream book

To see – loss, misfortune; croaking – bad news; a lot of flying – to the funeral.
Crows according to the dream book for women
Croaking – foreshadows death, suffering. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, then in the future you will face a problem that will be difficult to solve. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday suggests that you should beware of poisoning with stale foods.

Crows according to the Explanatory Dictionary of dreams
To hear a crow screaming – to the deceased; to kill him – to escape from a dangerous rival; to see a flock of them – a swindler.

It's a joy to see a crow.

Crows according to the dream book of the future
Crow – to the chagrin, bad news.

Crows according to an Idiomatic Dream Book
To make trouble is misfortune; to count crows is an aimless pastime; to bury is to miss.

Crows according to the dream book of the past
A crow in a dream indicates a lack of independence, negative guardianship on the part of the mother, or another woman. Get rid of an old, painful addiction – and gain the ability to independently find the right solutions to your problems. You already have enough strength for this!

Crows according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A.Roberti
The crow is the wisdom of the beholder.

Crow – indicates the presence of guardianship on the part of the mother or another woman, and the guardianship is negative – by the type of hyperprotoction. Reflects a person's desire to be wiser and inability to independently find the right solutions to his specific problem. This situation indicates the presence of dependence on another person, wiser and indicates hyperprotection on his part.

Crows according to the dream book of relationships

Crows – this dream says that you enjoy sex with a partner, just not paying attention to other aspects of communication. You have not yet realized what feelings you have for this person. Sometimes you realize that apart from sex, in principle, nothing binds you, you hardly find common topics for conversation, do not share the partner's point of view. Of course, if you are satisfied with such a relationship, no one can forbid you to continue this relationship, but sooner or later such one-sidedness will get bored.

Crows according to the dream book for the whole family
Croaking crow – foreshadows death, suffering.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, then in the future you will face a problem that will be difficult to solve.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday – suggests that you should beware of poisoning with stale foods.

Raven – it all depends on its color.

If he is black, someone close to him will get seriously ill; if he is white, on the contrary, he will recover.

Cawing raven – brings evil and misfortunes to the house.

A dying raven – a new friend (girlfriend) will appear.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it couldn't be better, everything is fine; if from Saturday to Sunday, the upcoming changes in your personal life will be of great importance and consequences not only for you; a dream from Sunday to Monday means a trip abroad.

Most often, if a raven does not pay attention to you in a dream, it means that your significant other is going to the left.

Crows according to the dream book-horoscope
A crow is a sign of danger or the onset of an illness.

Crows by online dream book
According to the dream book, a raven is a harbinger of some kind of trouble, humiliation, need or illness may be waiting for you.

I dreamed that they were croaking loudly – perhaps someone would die.

I dream of a raven of black color – wait for misfortunes.

The white crow is to meet an extraordinary person who does not listen to public opinion, but lives by his own laws and rules.

Talking raven – remember what he said, this is the key to understanding what will happen to you in reality.

I dreamed that you eat their meat – you are waiting for difficulties in your personal life.

If you scared the ravens in a dream, in reality you will expose some kind of villain.

If in a dream you saw this bird in a cage, then all your fears will not be in vain.

I dream that you are holding them in your palms – an unwanted meeting awaits you, which will bring you nothing but trouble.

If you dreamed that a raven was sitting at the very top of a tree – you still have a lot of problems to solve, be patient.

A dream in which you see him flying away from the nest warns that you have taken up some kind of enterprise in vain.

I dreamed of his sharp look – you will see something that you will not like.

If you dream that a crow is sitting, you will sort out your affairs in the near future.

If in a dream you pinch her plumage – wait for a meeting of a love nature with a foreigner.

Dreamed of dead crows – in reality, something very good is waiting for you.

Black raven in a dream – a serious illness will affect someone from relatives. Surround your loved ones with the attention and care they really need.

To kill a crow is some kind of negative sign, it is possible that there will be difficulties in work, the need to overcome the illness of a loved one.

A dead crow is the beginning of a bright streak in life. The troubles are over, you can relax and give yourself a well-deserved respite.

Feed the raven dreams – by the appearance of a reliable partner in business, colleagues will work as a single solid team, you will be able to rely on your team.

I dreamed that a crow attacks you – try to carefully analyze your investment methods, think over your actions and actions, otherwise there is a risk of losing savings.

A flock of crows – distress, deterioration of financial situation. The situation can be corrected thanks to hard work.

A crow is pecking at something - in reality you will be very afraid of something, your fears will be in vain.

Crows according to the American dream book
Crows are the unknown. Death. A flight into the unknown regions of yourself. Fear of the unknown.

Crows according to the Vedic dream Book of Sivananda
Raven – foreshadows a sad funeral ceremony.

Crows according to Solomon 's dream book
Raven – sad news, melancholy, illness.

Crows according to an Old English dream book
Crows are a bad dream. It means that trouble or illness is coming, or you will suffer from someone's injustice, from poverty and other misfortunes. A time of sadness awaits you. This dream warns lovers about the treachery of your chosen one, which should be treated with greater sobriety.

Crows according to the dream book of lovers

If a young man dreams of a crow, it means that women will plot against him.
To hear the crows cawing means to fall under the bad influence that your lover will have on you.

Crows according to the Lunar Dream Book
The screaming raven – to the coming pregnancy.

Crows according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book
Chasing a raven means that no terrible dangers will frighten you.

Keeping ravens is for the greater good.

If someone sees a raven flying over him, he should beware of demon seduction.

To see a raven sitting on a person is a danger.

Eating crow chicks or picking them up – it portends a quiet life.

Crows according to the Russian dream book
Crow – death of a loved one; kill her – defeat the enemy; raven – dreams of a lie

Crows according to the Russian dream book
The raven is a harbinger of trouble and troubles; but also a symbol of wisdom.

Crows according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gong
Crows are chattering, swearing with each other – foreshadows a drink and a snack.

Crows by the Dream Interpreter of 1829
To see a crow sitting in a dream means the end of old things soon: to kill a crow or a crow is a sign of triumph over the enemy; to catch a crow means to avoid some misfortune; to eat crow meat portends hunger and poverty.

A raven seen in a dream foreshadows misfortune and disgrace, and also foreshadows his wife's infidelity to her husband, and her husband's infidelity to his wife; a flying raven on a person foreshadows his death; a croaking raven promises bad weather, unpleasant news and sorrow.

Crows according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book
The crow is a priest, as he wears black clothes and takes part in funerals, and thus death.

Raven is a shaman. The devil, who is also black and winged. The image of the father. Shadow.

Crows according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

The crow is usually a symbol of depraved and vicious people! In some cases, it can also mean a quarrel, the cause of which is a certain woman.

If you dreamed that you were holding a raven in your hands – in reality you will meet a person who is completely not worth your attention, and only waste your time.

A dream about friendship with a raven is favorable and means that in reality you will be able to catch a robber red–handed.

A dream about hunting a raven is a harbinger of meaningless pastime.

Plucking a crow's feathers is for a love date; most likely, your chosen one will turn out to be a subject of another state.

When you kill a raven in a dream, the most important thing is to remember the place where you finished it! If, upon waking up, you are able to remember exactly where this place is, then it is best for you not to go there, since it is currently a haven for criminals.

In addition, sometimes killing a raven means that your family is in trouble.

A flock of crows – symbolizes the military army.

Green raven – foreshadows good.

White and yellow crows – announce an imminent illness.

The black raven is a symbol of trouble.

Crows according to the Fairy-tale and mythological dream book
The crow is especially croaking, from centuries–old folk observations – a clear sign of negative, destructive influences: trouble, accident; gossip and reservations; a lot - for funerals, death.

Raven is a mythical character among many primitive peoples of America, Asia, ancient Russia, including shamanic traditions; one of the wonderful birds.

He lives for a very long time, feeds on carrion, corpses – a symbol of greed, loneliness, wisdom, time, demonic, in a dream often acts as a harbinger of sad news, misfortune, evil fate or someone's death; less often a sign of initiation into magical knowledge.

To kill a raven is a victory over enemies or a way out of a critical, dangerous situation.

Crows according to the Assyrian dream book
If a person eats a crow in a dream, a crow – prosperity will come to him.

Crows according to the dream book of Shereminskaya
Crow – to losses, misfortunes. A lot of flying crows – to illness, funerals.

Crows according to the French dream book

To see a raven in a dream is a sign of near sadness.
A raven's wing spread over you means imminent danger in reality.
Croaking – dreams of losses.

If in a dream you participate in the hunt for ravens – a good harvest is expected.

The flocks of crows that you dreamed of on the plain predict disasters and famine.

Seeing ravens dead is a very good sign.

Crows in flight – warn of the deadly danger awaiting those to whom they are flying.

If your husband turns into a raven in a dream, this is a sign of sadness.

Crows in a dream book for a bitch
The crow is sad news.

If the crow was carrying something and dropped it, unexpected cash receipts will make you very happy and help you out.

The croaking of a crow is a bad influence on you, which can lead to rash actions and very unpleasant situations.

Crows cawing – you have to try very hard to solve the difficult task facing you.

Crows according to the dream book of the XXI century
To see a screaming raven in a dream is a bad sign, to kill him means to escape from a dangerous rival, to see a flock of ravens – for the upcoming meeting with a conman.

A raven sitting next to you leads to sadness, a raven in flight leads to bad news, there is a raven in a dream – to trouble.

A crow that you dreamed of carrying something in its beak and dropped it is a good sign, such a dream promises you a profit or an unexpected receipt of money, a find.

Crows according to the Slavic dream book
Raven – to the chagrin.

Crows according to Aesop 's dream book

A raven seen in a dream is a harbinger of trouble, troubles, failures and even death. Many people associate their grief with this bird, maybe because of its black color, or maybe because crows are an integral part of any cemetery and, according to the legends that have come down to us, peck out the eyes of the dead. There are many folk signs associated with this deadly bird.

Perhaps these signs, deposited in your subconscious, caused the image of a raven in a dream: A raven croaks – to the deceased, Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven, he stumbles upon a wolf, A raven croaks in the church – to the deceased in the village; croaks on the ground – to the deceased in the yard, Through which yard the raven flew cawing, there will be a dead man.

Watching a raven leave its nest in a dream is a sign that you should abandon the business you have started, because it will bring nothing but trouble and misfortune.

To dream of a raven sitting on a tall tree means that your troubles will not end soon, and therefore in real life you should gain strength and overcome all the hardships of life with dignity.

If a raven looks at you intently in a dream, you will become an unwitting witness to a sad incident.

If you dreamed that a raven is circling over your head – such a dream predicts trouble.

If a raven is circling over you with a cry, this is a fatal symbol indicating a serious illness or death of a person close to you.

To ruin crows' nests in a dream is a sign that you should abandon the business you have started, because it will bring great misfortune. Perhaps such a dream suggests that unexpectedly for yourself you will become the cause of the death of a person close to you.

If in a dream you saw a raven carrying a snake in its paws – such a dream suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to make a valuable, in your opinion, acquisition that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dreamed of a loud croaking raven, the dream warns that in real life you should be very careful in communicating with other people, because with your sometimes very harsh words and unreasonable remarks you greatly offend others, as a result of which there is a chance that you will soon be completely friendless. So this dream is a clear confirmation of one simple truth: before you say something, you need to think several times.

Crows according to a detailed dream book by Denise Lynn

In many cultures, the crow is considered a powerful sign.
The ancient Chinese claimed that the crow symbolizes the isolation of an individual living in higher spheres.

American Indians endowed the crow with mystical powers and considered it the creator of the visible world. Similar properties were attributed to her by the Celts, Germans and peoples of Siberia.

It was believed that the crow's eye was the entrance to the supernatural worlds and mysteries of life. The crow also carried messages from the spirit world.

The natives believed that the crow has the ability to reincarnate and can enter other spheres of consciousness. According to their ideas, the crow could not only take on any physical appearance, but also be in different places at the same time. The abode of the crow is outside the world of time and space. It can penetrate into the past, present and future, fly away into the light and plunge into darkness.

The first alchemists used the crow as a symbol of the original state, in which both spiritual and physical principles merged.

If this sign appears to you, be careful, because the crow is a harbinger of life changes. It shows you that you should get off the beaten path and look at your life in a different way, try to see its deeper spheres. In order to do this, you must demonstrate impeccable integrity. If you have behaved unethically in some way, correct your mistakes. Always tell the truth, keep your word. Get ready to transform and experience a different reality, be ready for the changes that will come in your world. Listen to the messages sent to you from the mysterious inner spheres. In some traditions, crows are feared because they are associated with death. This association arose because of their black plumage and the emptiness emanating from the inner spheres symbolized by these birds. Are you afraid of your death and inner darkness?

If a crow appears to you as a sign, take the trouble to explore your inner darkness and listen to your own wisdom.

The raven and the crow belong to the same family, and their symbolic meanings are similar in many ways.

To fly like a crow means to move in a straight line. Always choose the shortest path. Go straight.

The raven can symbolize the deepening into the darkest corners of one's own soul. Do you want to go on a journey through the darkest corners of your own being in order to find the truth? It's time for a journey deep into yourself.

Crows according to the Veles dream book

A crow – will be found, a thief, an adulterer, grief, misfortune, loss, sad news, illness; carries what he drops – you will find money; flies a lot – funerals; hear croaking – death, a raven, bad news; a lot of crows on a tree – family gathering; catch – avoid misfortune; kill – defeat the enemy; meat is crows – enchant, poverty, trouble.

Black raven – death, misfortune, infidelity, news; screaming – the deceased appeared, bad weather, grief.

Crows according to the Ukrainian dream book
A raven in a dream – to death. Treachery.

How a crow croaks is the enemy.

If you dream of crows, then this is a bad omen – maybe this person has some kind of trouble, grief or misfortune.

Crows are sitting on trees – family council.

Crows cawing – news.

Crows according to a Children 's dream book
Crow – gossip and slander behind your back or in your presence will force you to sort things out with your friends.

Crows according to the Gypsy dream book

The crow is a favorite bird of gypsies.
Many dream books interpret the vision of this bird as an evil omen, but Gypsies believe that a raven in a dream leads to family reunification, a lot of joys and happiness.

Flying raven – the reunion will be unexpected, if it is sitting – you will have to work on it yourself.

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In a dream I saw crows. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw a bicycle. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Bicycle according to the Esoteric dream book

Riding a bike is a lot of hassle in a minor matter.
To see – they will come; trouble from criminal personalities or structures.

Bicycle according to the dream book of a modern woman
Riding a bicycle up the mountainside in a dream means the possibility of brilliant prospects in your affairs.

If a woman dreams that she is going down the mountain, it means that failures and misfortunes lie in wait for her ahead. It's time to take care of your good name and health.

Bicycle according to the dream book by Evgeny Tsvetkov
Riding a bicycle is a sign of things being postponed; stealing is a secret meeting.

Bicycle according to a Modern dream book
If you dream that you are climbing up on a bicycle, bright prospects await you.

If a woman dreams that she is cycling down, she should take care of her health and good name. Perhaps failure is somewhere nearby.

Bicycle according to the Eastern dream book

For a woman, a dream in which she goes down a hill on a bicycle means: she should pay attention to her behavior and not give reasons for gossip.

Bicycle according to the dream book of Catherine the Great
It's like riding a bicycle on a straight, specially designated paved path – nothing unexpected and out of the ordinary will happen in your life in the coming days; everything will go according to plan; work is routine, everyday life is boredom.

You are going to race with someone - in fact, do not wait for peace; your competitors are not asleep; if you are an entrepreneur, you have to solve the age–old question: how to make what you produce cheap and angry; do not forget to look around – where you are driving in a straight line, a clever competitor can do turn and take a shortcut. You are cycling uphill - a good dream; it promises success in all your endeavors; a great future awaits you; as they say: A big ship is a big voyage, you are cycling downhill, you are going faster and faster, your brakes have failed – your fall in real life is inevitable; and almost nothing depends on you; you can only push your crash a little by going around rocks and potholes in your path. A young woman rides a bicycle down – the good name of this woman is in danger; perhaps she did not give a reason, but stupid evil people, for the sake of boredom or revenge for some trifle, will denigrate her; perhaps there will be a scandal.

Bicycle according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina
To ride a bike – you should be careful: there is a certain danger in your position / a quick rise in life, which, however, will require a lot of effort from you.

Bicycle according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

A new acquaintance can turn into an intimate relationship. A dream is a warning for married people: an affair on the side can end in divorce. If you are not interested in performing a dream, imagine that someone else is riding away on your bike.

Bicycle according to the British dream book
Cycling can have many meanings: from happy memories of the weekend spent on bicycles, to hints from the subconscious that you need to be more active in yourself, and to the fear that you can't keep up with the frenzied pace of life. What a dream is about: When determining what a dream meant to you, take into account the weather, the landscape, the amount of effort spent and the degree of pleasure from what is happening. A bicycle usually turns out to be the first form of transport that a child learns, so it can mean freedom and a way to avoid dependence on parents in some way. For adults, it can embody freedom from having to rely on mechanical transport and a way of transportation that is useful for humans and the environment.

Bicycle according to the Psychoanalytic dream book
1. Dreaming about cycling reflects our need to pay attention to our own efforts or motivation. 2. From a psychological point of view – to seek freedom for self-expression. 3. From a spiritual point of view, a bicycle means duality.

See also Trip.

Bicycle according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Bicycle – Symbolizes a person who overcomes difficulties on his own. However, it emphasizes the instability of his position. Riding a bike – foreshadows a life uplift that requires personal effort and caution.

A bicycle based on a dream book by Stuart Robinson
Bicycle – Riding a bicycle up the mountainside in a dream means brilliant prospects. At the same time, you should not count on a quiet life, because there are many problems and worries ahead of you. Stealing a bicycle from someone in a dream foreshadows an unexpected or secret meeting with a person who is dear to you. If a woman goes down the mountain, it means that you need to take care of your good name and health. It is difficult to turn the wheels of a bicycle – this is a fixation, an attempt to achieve the desired by unsuitable means, to accelerate the onset of an event by primitive psychological pressure. Most often, various aspects of the relationship are pedaled.

Bicycle according to the Jewish dream book
To fall off the bike On Monday night means that you will come to your senses in time, realize your mistake and change your intention; on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night, means that you will get out from under someone else's influence; on Saturday or Sunday night, means that in the coming days you will become witness an unusual and difficult to explain incident.

Bicycle according to the Women's dream book

Cycling – Cycling in a dream up the mountainside means the possibility of brilliant prospects in your affairs. If a woman dreams that she is going down the mountain, then there are failures and misfortunes ahead of her. It's time to take care of your good name and health.

Bicycle according to the dream book of a housewife
Bicycle – efforts; motives.

Bicycle according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
It means empty eroticism or mechanistic masturbation that does not correspond to an organic experience.

Bicycle according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A.Roberti
A bicycle is a state of empty eroticism akin to mechanical masturbation outside of harmonic influence with a partner.

Bicycle according to the dream book of relationships
Riding a bicycle in a dream leads to non–standard sexual relations.

Falling off a bike leads to failure in sex. You will not be able to please your partner (partner), and he (she) will be disappointed in you.

Bicycle by online dream book
According to the interpretation of the dream book, if you dream of a bicycle, in reality this dream shows that the dreamer is a very independent person, but his life situation is rather shaky.

To ride it in a dream – life will go up if there are efforts from the dreamer and his discretion.

Riding a bike up the road – you will have a very good future. If down

Stealing is great – expect a secret meeting with someone soon.

If you dream of a bicycle with three wheels, this is a good omen, in the near future all your dreams will come true, and you will achieve some kind of success.

If it is whole and not broken in a dream – all your dreams will come true due to your efforts alone.

Falling off a bicycle in a dream – you will be disappointed in a love relationship. You will not bring your partner bliss, and he will be very upset about it.

To be in an emergency situation on it in a dream – a battle awaits you, a collision with several strangers.

To repair a bicycle in a dream – in reality, you should spend more time with your relatives.

I dream about how you acquire it – in the future you need to decide on something specific.

To accept a bike as a gift – because of some relative, you will find yourself in the epicenter of a scandal. Trade them

I dreamed that you were riding a bike back – you need to stop and think about everything well, maybe you should change your course somehow.

Bicycle according to the Universal dream book

It's amazing that once you learn to ride a bike, you will never forget how to do it!
Perhaps the bicycle in your dream is a symbol of trust: once you acquire a skill, you never lose it.

A bicycle can also be a sign of encouragement: you are reminded that you have acquired many skills that you can use in life.

In a dream, you see your bike or someone else's – this will tell you how independent you feel.

Where do you ride a bike in your dream? If you don't ride a bike in real life, figure out where you are going and how you feel at the same time. This will tell you how you are moving towards your goal.

For example, if you are cycling to work in a dream and you think that it gives you energy, it means that this is how you treat (or would like to treat) your work.

Do you pedal backwards in your sleep? – perhaps it's time to slow down, think about the situation again and maybe change the direction of movement. Perhaps you should slow down the pace.

Bicycle according to the dream book of lovers
If a girl dreams that she is riding down a mountain on a bicycle, this means problems in a relationship with a loved one. Riding a bike uphill – on the contrary, foreshadows a successful acquaintance and devoted love.

Bicycle according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic dream book
Cycling – puberty and adolescence; compression of the steering wheel and seat – masturbation.

Someone riding a bicycle – the behavior of this individual is associated with puberty.

Bicycle according to the Assyrian dream book

Bicycle – If the dreamer controls a single huge wheel, he probably exercises full control and fully dominates both in business and in personal life, being the main wheel in these areas.

If, however, the dreamer is driving a Bicycle unstable and risky, continuing to drive it may not be the wisest strategy to act in a certain situation.

Bicycle according to the dream book of Shereminskaya
If you ride a bike, it means that you are completely in control of your life, and everything that happens in it depends only on your decisions.

A bicycle according to a dream book for a bitch
Ride a bike – there will be new interesting offers.

To go from the mountain – take care of your health, do not commit rash acts.

Going uphill is a great prospect, successful business.

Bicycle according to the dream book of the XXI century
Riding a bicycle in a dream or seeing it broken is a warning: you should be careful, your position is unstable, you need to keep the positions you have won, since there may be a fall behind the takeoff.

Steal a bicycle in a dream – a secret meeting awaits you.

A tricycle in a dream is a sign of your victory and achievement of your goal in reality.

Bicycle according to the Gypsy dream book

Riding a bike – you are mechanically doing your job. You need to stop and assess the situation as a whole in order to find a source of inspiration and become a more creative person.

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In a dream I saw a bicycle. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw grapes. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Grapes according to Evgeny Tsvetkov 's dream book

There are grapes – tears; grape red brushes – fright (for a woman); to receive as a gift – a new acquaintance.
A branch of grapes is happiness in love.

Grapes according to a Modern dream book
Eating grapes means that the difficulties that have fallen to your lot will harden your character.

To see the vines bending under the weight of bunches of grapes – to a high position in society, you can make other people happy. Such a dream gives a young woman great hopes. Perhaps her innermost wish will come true.

If you dream that you are riding a horse past a vineyard, pluck a bunch of muscat grapes and eat it – your business will bring you profit, and your cherished desires will be fulfilled.

If the grapes seem spoiled or immature to you, fleeting doubts about the success of your affairs await you.

Grapes according to the Eastern dream book
Vines bending under the weight of bunches – dream of public recognition. For a young woman, such a dream means the fulfillment of desires and a successful marriage.

A vineyard that you drive past and pluck bunches of ripe grapes on the move – dreams of success.

Immature or rotten berries portend sad events.

Grapes according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy
profit, luck, joy and health.

Grapes according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

You are eating grapes – a dream warns you of future worries, possible hardships; to overcome numerous difficulties, you will have to call on all your strength and demonstrate your best qualities; you will think: how cruel fate can be, but you will stand the test. The grapes that you eat are immature – hard and sour – in fact, you will have a difficult time doubting the correctness of the chosen path – most of all you will be confused by the unconventionality of this path, you will be afraid for yourself and your loved ones, but very soon you will gain confidence. You dream of beautiful bunches of ripe grapes among the foliage; your hands are reaching for the bunches – the dream foreshadows the most wonderful prospects for you; you will confidently occupy a high position in society and will be endowed with power; know: you are one of the few worthy to be endowed with power, because in your character – decency, kindness, sensitivity, generosity, generosity; the happiness of many will depend on your one word. If a woman had such a dream, then her most cherished wish will soon come true. You dream of dried grapes – in real life, your business will decline. It is as if you are treating someone with grapes - you will experience some distress in matters of the heart. It's as if you are being treated to grapes – an interesting acquaintance is waiting for you in the near future.

Grapes according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina
Grapes to see is a meeting with a person whose meaning for you can only be found out from other details of the dream.

Tearing is a joy.

There are grapes – a happy chance, joy, prosperity, something good from a woman.

Immature is a mistake.

Offering grapes to a person of the other sex is a heartbreak to experience.

Raisins to see or eat – joy, wealth.

Grapes according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
Sleep promises happiness and well-being to your children and closest relatives. Imagine the color, aroma and taste of grapes. If possible, eat grapes on the day of sleep. Also treat your family.

Grapes according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
Grapes – There are black grapes – to sorrow. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the punishment that you are destined to fall: how many berries, so many punches. There are white or red grapes – for good, if it happens in season. If not, the sleep value is reversed. There are green grapes – to gain prosperity through hard work. However, your well-being, alas, will be temporary. The sweet taste of grapes promises good. Crushing grapes: in a wooden vat is a sign that your boss will treat you disgustingly; in a clay vat, a dream announces work under the guidance of a kind and just leader; in a vat of baked brick (stone, brick or gypsum) – to work with a strict and formidable boss. To crush grapes, collecting juice in large jugs, is for profit, and a considerable one! To sell grapes is to get rid of sadness.

Grapes according to the Islamic dream book
Black grapes – it is not good to see them, because when the prophet Nuh, a.s., was angry with his son, who refused to sit with him in the ark, said a dua (prayer) to his son and then the grapes that were in his son's hands turned black.

Grapes according to a Modern dream book
Grapes – Profit, luck and health.

Grapes according to an Intelligent dream book

To dream of Grapes is joy; unripe grapes are a mistake; raisins are a bad state of affairs; to offer a woman or a man (that is, the other sex) is a heartbreak; to see vines in a trellis is a burden and displeasure. . Vines are a loss.

Grapes according to the Russian dream book
Grapes are one of the common images of the Church; they can symbolize a collective united by a common goal, as well as friendship and mutual assistance; profit, luck, joy, health.

Grapes according to E.Erickson's dream book
Grape. 1. To dream of grapes is the dreamer's need for undressing, fun, laughter and creativity. Grapes are most often associated with Bacchus, or Dionysus in Greek mythology, the god of winemaking and feasting. 2. But grapes can also mean sacrifice. Perhaps it is necessary to sacrifice something in order to achieve what you want. Wine often defines this sacrifice, as it has a resemblance to blood. 3. Grapes are a representative of the food of the gods, can symbolize wisdom and immortality.

Grapes/Vineyard. 1. Grapes in a dream can mean the growth and fertility of both the dreamer himself and his individual parts. 2. When we dream of grapes, we often relate to various members of our family, including our ancestors. Another interpretation: we are in contact with our spiritual component, which grows with the help of collective rather than individual knowledge. 3. Grapes or vines symbolize spiritual growth and also suggest fertility.

Grapes according to the Jewish dream book
According to Artemidorus, to dream of grapes both ripe and immature is a good sign foreshadowing success (perhaps with the help of women). Other interpretations Are ripe grapes – for joy and pleasure, money, luck. There are unripe grapes – to little chagrin, which will be quickly forgotten. Red grapes – for fun, but perhaps also for quarrels.

Grapes according to the Women's dream book
To dream about Grapes – To have grapes in a dream is a sign that serious worries are waiting for you, which will only strengthen your resolve. If the taste of grapes seems unpleasant to you, there may be fears and doubts about important things, but soon you will regain your mental balance. If you see a rich harvest of grapes – soon you will achieve an outstanding position in society and will be able to help others. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of her most ardent desire.

Grapes according to the Magical dream Book

Vinograd is a company. The bigger the bunch of grapes, the more people in the company. Brushes of green grapes symbolize people of high society, brushes of black – a close circle of friends, brushes of pink color – love companies. A lot of grapes, unbroken ripe bunches – to wish happiness. A vine of grapes with leaves without berries symbolizes the uncompetitive, closed character of a person. A grape plantation is a stable, quiet period of time. To pick grapes is to be a leader. Eating grapes – forget about worries.

Grapes according to the housewife's dream book
Grapes are a temptation. See pressing – diligence and endurance will help you.

Grapes according to Cleopatra's dream book
Grapes are a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Fine wine is prepared from grapes, which has wonderful properties. This sour, pleasant-tasting wine, as well as beautiful bunches of grapes decorating the table, indicate that you are visiting a friendly, hospitable host.

Drinking grape wine in a dream is a prophecy of a happy life and material prosperity. If someone treats you with grape wine in a dream, then such a dream suggests that in real life you can count on the help of your friend, who in order to help you, will not regret anything.

If you dreamed that you are preparing wine from grapes, then you will easily be able to achieve

An advantageous position in society, respect for people and material prosperity.

To tear off grape leaves in a dream in order to cook a dish from them is evidence that in real life you do not appreciate people who help you and wish you only good.

Hiding behind a vine means that you should be very careful in your business. Perhaps you are being watched by an evil person who wants to stop you at all costs.

Reaching out in a dream for green grape tassels, but not being able to get them, is a sign that, despite all your efforts to achieve success, you will not be able to do it soon. Such a dream also indicates that you should not blame circumstances for your failures.

Planting grapes in a dream – a dream says that in real life your affairs have finally moved forward and now everything will work out in the best way.

Grapes according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book
Grapes are joy; unripe grapes are a mistake; raisins are a bad state of affairs; offering a woman or a man (that is, the other sex) is a heartbreak; seeing vines in a trellis is a burden and displeasure. Vines are a loss.

There are small grapes, kishmish – a sign of the confluence of various small upsets and annoyances of all kinds.

Grapes according to the Men's dream book

A conversation with a person you are very interested in. Black grapes – establishing contacts that will bring you profit in the future. Green grapes – it is impossible to achieve your goal. To drink grape juice, wine – to unexpected luck, lasting happiness.

To participate in the grape harvest is in your power to establish relations with your boss or business partners. In the next two weeks, you can talk to them, they will meet you halfway. There are grapes: black – for a feast, green – for reckless actions that you will regret. To get dirty with grapes is to experience shame in the near future, if you dreamed about it on Thursday or Friday, then you will shame someone. Plant grapes – your business will soon be more successful. Pay special attention to what you are doing in the next two weeks at work – you are laying the foundation for your future well-being.

Grapes according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
It symbolizes the predominance of a blissful and inexhaustible abundance of femininity and associated sexuality.

Grapes according to the Old Russian dream book
there are – tears; grape red brushes – fright (for a woman); to receive as a gift – acquaintance.

Grapes according to the dream book for women
One of the most promising symbols for a young woman is a grape seen in a dream. If, for example, she sees herself standing in a densely overgrown vineyard and a huge ripe bunch hangs over her head, then soon she will be able to fulfill all her hottest desires and realize even the most incredible ambitions. For girls, a grape dream means a successful marriage soon; the same dream before the entrance or final exams means an excellent answer and the highest score. Family or women immersed in work with their heads after seeing grapes in a dream should definitely feel a surge of strength and vigor, after which any business will be on their shoulders and will end well.

Eating spoiled grapes in a dream means the appearance of fears and doubts, which should, however, soon dissipate and give way to confidence and calmness.

Grapes according to the Explanatory Dictionary of dreams
Grapes are joy; unripe grapes are a mistake; raisins are a bad state of affairs; offering a woman or a man (that is, the other sex) is a heartbreak; seeing vines in a trellis is a burden and displeasure.

Vines are a loss.

Grapes according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A.Roberti

Grapes are a symbol of goodness, wealth, fertility and sexuality resulting from femininity.

Grapes according to the dream book of relationships
Grapes are a symbol of pleasure and enjoyment.

If you dream that you are eating grapes, it means that you pay a lot of attention to the intimate side of your life. Sex is much more important to you than feelings. You are used to solving everything through bed. However, this is risky, because sex, although it is an important component of life, does not occupy it entirely.

Grapes according to the dream book for the whole family
Grapes – one of the most promising symbols for a young woman is a grape seen in a dream. If, for example, she sees herself standing in a densely overgrown vineyard and a huge ripe bunch hangs over her head, then soon she will be able to fulfill all her hottest desires and realize even the most incredible ambitions.

For girls, a grape dream means a successful marriage soon; the same dream before the entrance or final exams means a wonderful answer and the highest score. Family or women immersed in work with their heads after seeing grapes in a dream should definitely feel a surge of strength and vigor, after which any business will be on their shoulders and will end well.

Eating spoiled grapes in a dream means the appearance of fears and doubts, which, however, should soon dissipate and give way to confidence and calmness.

Grapes according to the online dream book

Grapes dreamed – wait for luxury, prosperity, you are very sexy.
To eat it in a dream – a dream foreshadows a lot of happiness, but also such a dream predicts a heart attack to the author of the dream.
I dream about picking grapes – such a dream promises you financial losses.

The dream in which you water it says that you will make yourself happy.

Unripe grapes or rotten dreams are a harbinger of sad events.

Eating black berries in a dream – the author of the dream is waiting for sorrows, and in some cases such a dream promises some kind of punishment to the author of the dream. Should I eat red berries or white ones

If you dreamed of more green berries – only thanks to work you will become rich.

I dreamed that you were crushing him – the dream book says that your management will treat you very badly.

To trade grapes in a dream – soon you will get rid of the point.

To eat its sour berries – the author of the dream is waiting for small difficulties.

According to the dream book, bunches of grapes are dreaming – luck and wealth are waiting for you.

If someone gives it to you in a dream, the dream promises a meeting with a new person.

I dreamed that you were planting young grapes – in reality your business will finally begin to develop.

Seeing bunches of grapes is a good signal that you are now more energetic and determined than ever.

Bunches of grapes that are difficult to reach

Grapes bought in a dream is a luxurious life full of interesting events and vivid emotions.

To see or taste green grapes – something will interfere with your plans. Try to think of additional options for further actions in this case.

Putting grapes in a basket, as the dream book says – a new acquaintance will bring you success, help you deal with old problems.

Pluck, taste black grapes

I dreamed about picking white grapes

There are grapes – you will have to go through a band of life obstacles and difficulties. They will bring the necessary experience and harden you.

I dream of bunches of black grapes – a negative sign. There will be trials and mental anguish.

To see and collect white grapes in a dream – all your actions are dictated by good intentions.

Grapes according to the Egyptian dream book of the Pharaohs
If a person sees himself in a dream eating grapes, – well, – they will give him something from his property.

Grapes according to Solomon 's dream book
Grapes – profit, luck, joy, health.

Grapes according to the dream book of lovers
If a young girl dreams of grapes, this is a good omen. Such a dream foreshadows good luck in all matters, a meeting with a person with whom the union will be long and favorable.

Bunches of grapes mean happiness and well–being.

Grapes according to the Women's dream book

If in a dream you see fragrant bunches of grapes – a happy marriage awaits you and the fulfillment of all, even sometimes impossible, desires.

A dream in which you drive past a vineyard, picking fragrant bunches on the go – promises you a generous companion and success.

However, if you see that the grapes are rotten or unripe, you will soon begin to doubt whether you are doing the right thing.

Grapes according to Martin Zadeka 's dream book
Grapes are – winning; getting the hand of a loved one.

Grapes according to Daniel's Medieval Dream book
To see grapes is for joy and pleasure.

To plant grapes – to worries

To see ripe grapes is a joy.

To see a bunch of light grapes is good news.

Picking grapes foreshadows the joys of life.

Sour grapes to see – to discord.

Grapes according to the 1829 Dream Interpreter

To see in a dream – foreshadows crying and tears; there are grapes – ripe foreshadows a great feast; there are green grapes – a small displeasure, followed by great benefits; there are dry grapes – foreshadows loss, worries and grief; trampling grapes with your feet – a sign of victory over enemies; there are red or black grapes – means to hear reproaches; there is white grapes are a sign of innocence and great benefit; picking grapes is a great sorrow and tears.

Grapes according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
There are black grapes – to sadness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the punishment that you are destined to fall: how many berries, so many punches.

There are white or red grapes – for good, if it happens in season. If not, the sleep value is reversed.

There are green grapes – to gain prosperity through hard work. However, your well-being, alas, will be temporary. The sweet taste of grapes promises good.

To crush grapes: in a wooden vat – a sign that your boss will treat you abominably; in a clay vat – a dream announces work under a kind and fair leader; in a vat of baked brick (stone, brick or gypsum) – to work with a strict and formidable boss.

To crush grapes, collecting juice in large jugs – for profit, and a considerable one!

To sell grapes is to get rid of sadness.

Grapes according to the Assyrian dream book

If a person eats grapes in a dream, joy awaits him; but he can also suffer a heart attack.

Grapes according to the dream book of Shereminskaya
The vine is a very good sign. Success and happiness await you. If the vine is withered, you will fail in the task you have undertaken.

Grapes according to the French dream book
To dream of grapes is a very good omen: a dream promises you prosperity and contentment, a decent life.

There are ripe grapes – for joy, profit, enjoyment.

There are unripe grapes in a dream – to get a big profit, to overcome serious obstacles.

Raisins – dreams of losses and troubles.

Crushing grapes in a dream means victory over enemies.

Grapes according to the Tarot dream book
Grapes are present in the King and the Nine Pentacles and indicate material abundance, prosperity and happiness.

Grapes according to a dream book for a bitch
Grapes – all dreams will come true in the near future.

Eating grapes in a dream – troubles and worries will do you good.

To dream of bunches of grapes – a successful career awaits you.

Grapes according to the dream book of the XXI century

To dream of grapes – for a new meeting, to tear it – for joy, to eat – for joy, profit, profit, pleasure, unripe grapes – for minor troubles, dry – for losses, worries, troubles, sorrows, red – for reproaches, reprimand.

White grapes in a dream are a reflection of your innocence and purity in reality.

To dream of a vine – to success and happiness, to see large bunches of grapes on it – you have to make too much effort to achieve what you want.

To collect grapes in a dream – for a new interesting or useful acquaintance.

Grapes according to the Slavic dream book
Grapes are for tears; but eating them is for profit.

Grapes according to Aesop's dream book

Fine wine is made from grapes, which has wonderful properties, and has long been famous in Russia. This sour, pleasant-tasting wine, as well as beautiful bunches of grapes decorating the table, indicate that you are visiting a friendly, hospitable host.

Grapes are a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

Drinking grape wine in a dream is a prophecy of a happy life and material prosperity.

If someone treats you with grape wine in a dream, such a dream suggests that in real life you can count on the help of your friend, who will not regret anything in order to help you.

If you dreamed that you are preparing wine from grapes, you will easily be able to achieve a favorable position in society, respect for people and material prosperity.

To tear off grape leaves in a dream in order to cook a dish from them is evidence that in real life you do not appreciate people who help you and wish you only good.

Hiding behind a vine means that you should be very careful in your business. Perhaps you are being watched by an evil person who wants to stop you at all costs.

Reaching out in a dream for green grape tassels, but not being able to get them is a sign that, despite all your efforts to achieve success, you will not be able to do it soon. Such a dream also indicates that you should not blame circumstances for your failures.

Planting grapes in a dream – a dream says that in real life your affairs have finally moved forward and now everything will work out in the best way.

Grapes according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream

Ripe grapes in a dream are a sure sign of a wonderful state of affairs and confidence in the future. Such a dream foreshadows you soon joy, success and fun.

Unripe or sour grapes are also a good sign. This image encourages you to be patient, not to spill emotions ahead of time and not to make hasty, thoughtless decisions. In this case, your happiness will certainly ripen, and business will bring long-awaited joy.

Grapes according to the Ukrainian dream book
Grapes in a dream to see – well–being in children; without berries, bunches - lies.

Grapes are a joy, unripe is a mistake.

Grapes are red – fright; someone will give – a new acquaintance; there is – to have many lovers; to pluck, cut the bunches – your happiness will increase.

Grapes according to a Children's dream book
Grapes – to tears.

Grapes according to the Gypsy dream book
Grapes – celebration, fun, celebration.

Eating grapes means being happy with yourself and your work.

Grapes according to the Culinary dream book
For men, a dream about grapes leads to a lot of trouble, to the struggle for their happiness and well–being.

For girls – to implement all the ideas related to the device of personal life.

Plucking grapes – to a profitable job, the fulfillment of a dream.

Eating sour grapes leads to minor troubles.

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In a dream I saw grapes. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw hair. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Hair according to Freud 's dream book

The hair itself in the dream is a symbol of the hair covering on the genitals, most often female, but all the actions that are associated with them: cutting, washing or styling hair in a hairstyle – is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

Long hair – symbolize your self-doubt during sexual contacts. On the contrary, short-cropped hair or a shaved head symbolizes your self-confidence.

A complicated or pretentious hairstyle – symbolizes your inferiority complex and failures in the sexual sphere.

If a woman combs her hair, she regrets the missed opportunities.

If a man combs his hair, he is preparing for a new sexual contact.

Hair according to Hasse 's dream book
To scratch your hair – good earnings; to cut it – the case of death in the family; to see how they grow – prudence in business; falling out – loss of property; to sell – misfortune; red – false; white – peace of mind; combed – affection; on the chest – health; disheveled – family troubles; beautiful black – you love; weave – you will start a relationship; paint – emptiness and delusion; long – respect you and love; scratch others – constantly bother someone; on your hand – think about the future; scorch – avoid trouble; loose – anxiety; wash – anxiety; light – complaisance and kindness; combing your hair is a loss in business; combing smooth hair is a benefit, a faithful friend; disheveled – evil news.

Hair according to the Family dream book
If a woman combs her hair in a dream, she will have to repent of her frivolity.

A man who sees his thinning hair in a dream should not be too generous, it is fraught with failure and poverty.

Seeing yourself turning gray is not good.

I dreamed of gray–haired people - also a sign of unpleasant changes.

To see yourself with a beautiful hairstyle – a successful turn of events. But if you have your hair cut too short in a dream, this is a warning: don't be too wasteful.

Tangled unkempt hair leads to failures.

A lush hairstyle on fluffy soft hair is boundless happiness.

Stroking someone's hair in a dream is a good turn in matters of the heart.

Hair according to the dream book of Dmitry and Hope of Winter
Hair in a dream – symbolize thoughts, ideas and various kinds of ideas.

To see your hair beautiful and clean in a dream is a sign that some idea can lead you to success.

Disheveled hair – they say that it's time for you to put your thoughts in order.

If in a dream you paid attention to someone's hairstyle - such a dream suggests that in reality you may be involved in someone's plans or get some advice. At the same time, an intricate hairstyle usually means some complicated plans or even intrigues.

Too long hair, if their length confuses you – most often they talk about procrastination with the implementation of certain ideas.

Dandruff or dirt in the hair – mean harmful thoughts that threaten to lead you to bigtrouble or even shame.

It's even worse to see lice or fleas in your hair – after such a dream, it will be better for you to avoid the advice of strangers, they can bring you to big trouble!

To go bald in a dream – foreshadows the fruitlessness of your plans.

In general, the image of hair should be understood as follows: beautiful hair is fruitful thoughts, and ugly thoughts are harmful and empty.

Hair according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

To see hair on one's own body in places where they should not have been – to prosperity; to see very hairy people – to profit; to see just a tuft of hair – to a situation from which it will be problematic to get out with dignity. Sleep is a warning: you need to take care of your own hair very carefully. You can get sick.

Hair according to the Spring dream book
Pulling the hair leads to hair loss, baldness.

To feel a hair in the eye or on the tongue is to prevent your children from doing something, but to no avail.

Body hair – to wealth.

Long hair – for the road, the journey.

The hair on your legs – to an overbearing person, at whose behest you will run a lot.

To pull out a clump of hair from the head – to the loss of respect.

Hair according to the Summer dream book
To dream how you comb your luxurious hair in front of the mirror – in reality you urgently need to do something with your hair before it's too late.

If you dream you see a child with very thin, fluffy hairs – it's a joy.

To dream of long hair and admire them for a man leads to baldness.

A tuft of hair torn from your head during a fight leads to a brawl.

Hair according to the Autumn dream book

To dream of someone trying to take a hair out of your eye – you don't notice that you behave too arrogantly with people.

Hair according to the dream book from A to Z
To dream that your hair has become surprisingly beautiful, to comb it, admiring yourself in the mirror – it means that in reality you can make a mistake so much that you will not know where to go from shame for the blunder. If, on the contrary, you see your hair in a deplorable state, disheveled and thinned – your stupid behavior will lead to losses and disappointments.

To see gray in your hair in the mirror – in reality, grief will befall you.

To see yourself with black hair – the man you are staring at is not worthy of your attention.

Golden–colored hair is a love affair with a person who answers you in all respects. Redheads lead to changes in the relationship with a loved one. Chestnut – annoying failures in business.

Being a blonde in a dream leads to comforting news, exciting trips and meetings.

Well–styled hair is a sign of a successful turn of your affairs.

Stunning short haircut – suggests that you should be more careful to avoid an accident.

Elegant hairstyle, in harmony with the evening toilet – you will experience incomparable happiness.

To see your hair, from which the paint has partially come off, exposing strands of natural color – to great doubts about the upcoming choice of the chosen one. A tangle in the hair leads to unexpected wealth, although generally tangled and unkempt hair leads to failures, and combing them leads to a love affair. A stuck–up tuft on his head is to receive an urgent task from the authorities.

Curly hair is for change, caring for them is infidelity, infatuation with others.

Braid – to talk, to braid it or to dissolve it – to consent.

Flowers in your hair – portend the approach of trouble, which, however, will not upset you and will not frighten you. A wreath in the hair – glory, wealth and honors. If the flowers in it are white, you should prepare yourself for serious trials, which, however, will not be too long.Bows in the hair – an unexpected offer.

To do a hair curl in a dream is an upcoming celebration for unmarried people, and for married people it is a cooling down to married life caused by a vile deception on the part of her husband, family discord and turmoil. To see someone curl their hair in a dream for the young is an early marriage, for the family - again, adultery.

To dream of gray–haired people is also a sign of unfavorable changes. For lovers, this foreshadows the appearance of a rival, and for others – losses and illnesses as a result of their own carelessness. To dream of young people with gray or falling out hair leads to trouble at work.

Stroking someone's hair in a dream - to a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart, to the young – to a worthy lover. To see overgrown temples at your chosen one – you will be honored, and sideburns – for pleasure, unexpected profit.

To cut or shave sideburns – to an annoying loss and in general all sorts of losses and troubles.

To see yourself completely covered with hair is to receive forgiveness and mercy. For a woman in adulthood, this means that she will shift all her attention to her person and, perhaps, will indulge her whims to the detriment of generally accepted norms of behavior.

The hair growing from the nose, as well as on the nose, is a harbinger of extraordinary enterprises that will become possible thanks to the strength of your character and will.

To dream of hairy hands – foreshadows success in business and money, legs – one way or another you will remain the head of the family and will twist your husband as you please.

Cut your hair in a dream – an important moment in your life will come soon. To do your hair in a barber shop – becoming happier and luckier than now, you will remember the current time as the best in your life.

Wearing a wig, hiding your hair under it – in real life, the changes that you are going to make in the near future will be unfavorable.

Washing your hair in a dream with shampoo means that in reality you will take part in unworthy scams to give someone pleasure. Washing your hair in the bath – possible illness away from home.

Drying your hair with a hairdryer in your sleep means that soon you will get into an unpleasant story that will make a lot of noise.

Hair according to Fedorovskaya 's dream book
If you dreamed that you have white, gray hair – get ready for joy.

You dreamed that you have gray temples – you are waiting for worries that will not be in vain and will bring you a lot of joy.

A dream in which you braid someone's or your own hair into a braid is good news. If you dreamed that someone's hair, a bunch of hair fell into your hands - minor troubles are waiting for you.

You dream that your hair is much thicker than in real life – you will soon catch a cold and get sick, but you will recover quickly.

If you dreamed that your hair is longer than in reality – you can get seriously ill.

You dreamed that your hair is more sparse than it really is – soon sadness will take hold of you.

If you dreamed that your hair is covered with oil or pomaded, you will recover quickly if you are ill, and strengthen your health if you are not ill.

In a dream, you cover your hair with lipstick yourself – to great joy.

If you dreamed that you were combing your hair with your fingers, you will have a slight loss.

Combing your hair with a comb – you will be publicly shamed or you will be very ashamed of some business.
In a dream, your hair is cut – in the near future you will be robbed or robbed of your apartment (house).

Shaving your head leads to the death of a friend or acquaintance.

Curl your hair – to minor troubles.

A dream in which you bite your hair means that you have to steal something, and because of this you will have significant trouble.

If you dreamed that you were tearing your hair out, you will have an unpleasant trip.

Hair according to the Esoteric dream book

Long hair – to the disease of the one whose hair.
Combing, combing – to the recovery of the one whose hair.
Gray – to grief, the loss of loved ones; if you take care of strangers – you have to take care of the sick.
Wash – everything will get better.

Cut off – quarrel forever.

Hair according to the dream book of a modern woman
If a woman combs her hair in a dream, she will commit frivolous acts, which she will eventually repent of.

Stroking someone's hair in a dream leads to a good turn of affairs of the heart, to the appearance of a worthy lover.

A beautiful hairstyle in a dream is a sign of a successful turn of affairs.

A lush hairstyle on fluffy soft hair – dreams of boundless happiness.

Too short hair is a call to thrift in order to avoid misfortune. Tangled unkempt hair leads to failures.

Flowers in your hair – promise the approach of trouble, which, however, you can easily cope with.

A man who sees his thinning hair in a dream is waiting for failures and poverty because of his own generosity.

Graying your own hair is a bad sign. On the other hand, snow–white hair promises the dreamer comforting news, pleasant trips and meetings.

Hair according to Azar 's dream book
Washing your hair is a worry.

tousled hair – family troubles

combing your hair is a good income

white hair – peace of mind

thick hair – strength, health

long hair – you are respected and loved

hair wash – worry

hair cut – loss

loose hair – anxiety

they comb your hair for you – losses in business

gray hair – care

red–haired woman - fragile love

red hair is fake

a black-haired woman to see gossip

black hair -you are loved

Hair according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Long hair – a long journey; gray – troubles; turned gray – after many years; scratching – a change in life or loss through deception; especially if they fall out – the loss of a friend; braiding – worries; getting a haircut – to treason, betrayal.

Hair according to a Modern dream book
If a woman dreams that she is combing her beautiful hair, she is too frivolous about her personal life and will not achieve what she wants, denying the obvious things.

If a man dreams that his hair is thinning, in real life he will become impoverished because of his generosity, and emotional unrest can lead him to illness

To dream of your hair turning gray is a sign of death or illness in the family of a relative or friend.

To see yourself excessively hairy in a dream means to indulge in vices to such an extent that society will turn away from you. If a woman dreams of such a dream, she will strive to live for her own pleasure, regardless of the moral principles of society.

If a man dreams that he has black curly hair, he will deceive people using his charm. Most likely, it will be women who trust him. If a woman has such a dream, she may become a victim of temptation.

To see a golden–haired woman in a dream means that you will become a brave gallant lover.

To dream that your beloved has red hair means that your beloved woman will accuse you of infidelity.

Red hair color – usually indicates impermanence.

To dream of brown hair is a sign of an unsuccessful career choice.

Well–groomed, neatly combed hair is a harbinger of good luck waiting for you.

To dream of yourself with a very short haircut means that you will be generous to the point of extravagance towards your friends. Having seen such a dream, be more frugal.

To see soft and lush hair means happiness and well–being.

If a woman compares in a dream the hair of different colors that appeared on her head, she will probably hesitate before the choice that fate offers her, and if she is not careful enough, then instead of a happy life, she will condemn herself to losses and misfortunes.

To dream of tangled, uncombed hair means that life will become a heavy burden for you. Things will get upset, and marriage will turn into a heavy yoke.

If a woman cannot comb her hair in a dream, she will lose the respect of men because of unnecessary whims.

If a girl dreams of women with gray hair, such a dream predicts the appearance of rivals or the cooling of her lover to her.

If you dream that you are getting a haircut, this is a sign of serious disappointments.

If a woman dreams that her hair is falling out, she will have to earn her own living, since fate will turn away from her.

If you dreamed that your hair is snowy white – You will be grateful to fate for a happy life.

For a man to see in a dream that he caresses a woman's hair means that he will rejoice in the love and trust of a worthy woman who will believe him, despite universal condemnation.

A dream in which you see flowers in your hair predicts the approach of misfortunes, which later, upon closer examination, will turn out to be less terrible than you expected.

If a strand of hair turns gray in a dream and falls out, it is a sign of trouble and disappointment. The disease will put a seal of despondency on your rosy expectations.

To dream of a young face framed by gray hair – predicts an unexpected disaster and great grief. For a young woman, such a dream means the loss of a lover due to illness or an accident. It's probably partly her fault, too. She should be more careful with her friends.

To dream that your hair is falling out in clumps is a great shock. A woman has such a dream – it says that she is too concerned about her appearance.

Hair according to the Eastern dream book
If you see yourself with long hair that you wash or comb, get ready for a long journey. Short-cropped hair, on the contrary, suggests that the planned trip may fail.

If you see yourself shaved bald, beware of illness.

Hair according to the dream book of Schiller the Schoolboy
Thick hair in oneself or another — wealth and strength; hair loss – illness and poverty.

Taking hair for a man is adultery; for a woman, family discord and turmoil; for young non–family people, a close marriage.

Hair according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina
Hair – wisdom, vitality and what happens to them / honor and what happens to her.

To have long and thick hair, to have a head with thick hair sticking out in all directions – wealth, strength, power, honor.

To have unusually long – spiritual fatigue, depression.

Singed hair – losses by the will of those in power.

To have long ones and hide behind them is to feel ashamed in front of yourself.

To have long hair and get tangled in bushes or branches with them is confusion in relationships with people, in erotic relationships.

To have long hair and they stand on end is to be in close contact with otherworldly forces.

Moderately cropped hair – moderate well-being.

To have tangles is a shame.

To have carefully smoothed hair is friendship, peace, good relations with people.

To have a big crest is a road ahead.

To have bad hair, thin, to be shorn bald – impotence, poverty, any harm, loss, disease.

Shave – pernicious enterprises.

Having a bald spot is a nuisance.

To be bald is either a great need, or extraordinary wealth / to experience a secret fear of life that prevents you from acting.

To cut your own hair is treason, deception associated with the loss of money and time, a quarrel.

They cut your hair – everything bad: misfortune, mourning, sadness, loss, longing, ridicule, revenge, slander, etc.

To cut someone else's hair is happiness, victory, joy.

A mother's curl will be cut off – a disease of children.

To see a pile or strands of cut hair is evil times.

A woman has a hedwig – a surprise.

To see oneself curled (curled) is a meeting with a friend, a joy.

To weave a braid – obstacles, changes.

Combing your hair – success in life's struggle / a kind of liberation / a feeling that it is necessary to put things in order / a mask of thoughts about sensual amusements.

Tangling your hair is a shame.

Tearing your hair is a loss.

It's an honor to scratch your hair with your nails.

Hair oil, pomade – good fame, well-being.

To smear them with mud is to survive contempt.

Washing your hair is all good / the need to get rid of something.

Hair coloring is a warning against injustice.

The hair on my head is burning – profit, success.

Having unnatural–colored hair is your vanity.

Motley to have – well-being.

Hair of a different color to have: red – lies, ridicule, hatred for you; blond – peace, peace, joy; black – love for you or profit; ash – sadness.

Grey whiskies are an honor to have.

In the mirror at home, gray hair to look at or look for – joy, peace of mind.

To see yourself completely gray – heavy losses / respect for you.

Stroking a girl's hair is a hope for pleasure.

To iron the old woman's hair is a departure for a long time.

Having a lot of body hair is lucky.

To have a body overgrown with thick black – to great happiness / disorder in mental life, to be under the power of primitive drives.

To grow curly hair is to overestimate your sexual capabilities.

Grow a white hair – fear of death to experience / become a clairvoyant.

Something unpleasant has grown on the palms.

On the lips grew – the threat of violent death, you should be very careful.

Hair according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
Long – a long road, short – a close journey. Gray hair means a long, happy life. Fall out – to the renewal of life. Imagine that your hair is shiny, thick and clean. Run your hands into them, feel how much hair you have, how strong they are.

Hair according to an old dream book
Long – a long road; gray – troubles; light – joy; scratching – for a change in life or loss; a tuft – a hasty order from the authorities; curl – an upcoming celebration (for single), cooling in married life (for a woman), cheating wife (for a man).

Hair according to the dream book of the subconscious
Healthy and well-groomed hair, especially if it has a bright shine, is associated with youth, vitality and positive self-esteem. Hair in a bad condition, for example, falling out, may indicate low self-esteem. Hair is also considered as an indicator of sexuality.

Positive value

To dream of an unfamiliar beauty with wonderful hair often means friendship and happiness. Perfumed hair. Dreams of perfumed hair can be associated with arrogance or vanity. Did you put perfume on your hair yourself or did someone do it for you?

Negative implications

Tangled or braided hair can mean difficult problems in life. Hair that cannot be combed or collected in a dream may mean that you should rethink your problem-solving strategy.

Hair cutting. Cut your own hair – you will be successful in a new endeavor. Cutting another person's hair is probably a warning: you should beware of people hostile to you.


If you dreamed of beautiful, well-groomed hair, probably the internal assessment of the personality does not let you down. If you let your hair down in a dream, it may mean that it is impossible to satisfy internal needs.

Comb your hair. Combing your hair in a dream – a dream can relate to solving personal problems; combing someone's hair - there is a solution of complex problems ahead of you.

Hair according to the Indian shamanic dream book

If you dream that your hair is falling out, close relatives are in mortal danger (the Indians associate this with the funeral ritual of cutting off hair). Therefore, after such a dream, you need to protect your loved ones from danger.

Hair according to the Icelandic dream book
To keep the hair – to trouble.

Hair according to the dream book of happy omens
Having hairy arms or breasts is a major enrichment.

Hair according to the dream book of Prince Zhou-gong
I dream of a wife with her hair down. So she has a secret affair, a lover. I dream that my head is gray. – Foreshadows longevity and great happiness. Two horns grow on the head. – You will face competition in business. I dream that my head is bald, all my hair has fallen out. – Foreshadows failure in business. I dream of hair falling out – Foreshadows grief associated with the death of a grandson or son. I dream that my hair grows back. – Foreshadows longevity. If you cut your hair from the front. – There will be a misfortune in the family associated with the household. Uncovered head and loose hair. Someone is secretly plotting against you.

This is how the dream book solves the Hair.

Hair according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
Combing your hair in a dream – to get rid of all worries and sorrows. In addition, such a dream heralds the fulfillment of desires, in particular, the rapid and successful repayment of debts. If you dream of having thick and long hair, then for young people, women and the military, it leads to wealth, honor and longevity, and for others – to grief and mental anxiety. If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his head has fallen out, but not to the extent that a bald spot is revealed, then he will get rid of debt or be freed from any sadness and anxiety and will experience contentment and joy. If he sees one white man among his black hair, he will have children and will love them dearly. But if a woman has such a dream, then she will have to experience anxiety and care because of her husband. A dream in which your hair is cut is an undoubted sign that you will lose the property entrusted to your care for a while. If the dreamer is poor, then he will get rid of the need. And if someone sees that he cuts his own hair, it means that his secrets will be revealed, he will incur the wrath of his superiors and, most likely, will inevitably be dismissed from the service. If a woman sees in a dream that strangers are cutting her hair on her head, it means that her husband will give her a divorce. If a man sees in a dream that the hair on his wife's head has been cut off, he should take note that his wife is close to another man. A woman who sees herself in a dream with uncovered hair, let her know that her husband, who is absent, will soon return; in the same case, if she does not have a husband, then let her rejoice, because she is certainly destined to find him.

Hair according to a Modern dream book

Hair (thick at one's own or another's) – Wealth and strength; hair loss – illness and poverty; combing hair is a long road; shaving hair is a pernicious enterprise

Hair according to the British dream book
Hair is often the main decoration, especially for women, and for men, thick hair without receding hairline is a sign of the flowering of vitality – hence the alarming attitude to the appearance of baldness. What the dream is about: Hair in dreams usually indicates your perception of yourself and your attractiveness to others. Lush shiny hair symbolizes confidence, and dull, unkempt strands – lack of self-confidence. Dreams about the appearance of a bald spot may mean that you feel a loss of control over your life. See also Hairdresser

Hair according to A.Mindelle's dream book
It's as if you look in the mirror and see beautiful brown hair – failures await you in the service. You see yourself in a dream as a curly–haired brunette - a person who likes you and who has a considerable chance of reciprocity is preparing a love trap for you; he is forced to resort to this remedy either because of your indecision, or because your heart is already occupied. You see yourself as a blonde or you dream of an unfamiliar blonde – you will have to show courage, defend your dignity with a courageous act. It's as if you see a gray–haired person or discover that you have gray hair - you've been sad about something lately; finally, news will come that will comfort you. Another interpretation of the dream: you will have to grieve. It's as if you just got a haircut, you have a fashionable beautiful hairstyle – your affairs have not had much success so far, but everything is about to turn for the better. You see in a dream that your hair is thinning – your act will be as if inadequate: you will be merciful to someone who does not seek mercy from you, you will be generous to someone who does not need your generosity, you will hurry to forgive someone who has not repented, etc., – through this discrepancy you will commit make a mistake and, perhaps, you will know adversity, poverty. A girl or a young woman seems to be combing her beautiful hair – not a very good dream; this girl will commit a rash act, which she will repent very quickly; it's good if she doesn't have to scrape tar from her gate. A man sees his beloved woman as a redhead – in real life, changes are overdue in the relationship between these men and women. A woman sees herself in a dream without hair – in reality, this woman will either get sick or know the need. A man dreams of himself bald – a dream to good health, to prosperity, to fame.

Hair according to a sensible dream book
To see your hair turned gray is honor or reverence; to cut your hair is treason, deception, associated with the loss of money and time; to shave them is pernicious enterprises; to see lice on your head is poverty; to see thick is joy; pomaded is joyful news; burning is profit.

Hair according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea
They represent wisdom, intelligence and vitality. To have long, beautiful hair – to health, strength. Combing your hair – putting things in order and thoughts. Cutting your hair is a misfortune, loss, slander.

This is how the dream book interprets Hair.

Hair according to the Russian dream book
Hair is the personification of vital energy, beauty, attractiveness; thick – wealth, health, vitality; hair falling out – to illness and poverty; combing – an affair.

Hair according to the Jewish dream book
Cut your hair. For a woman – to improve well-being and mood. For a man – to release from false fears. To meet a woman with uncombed hair leads to deception and confusion in business.

Hair according to a Magical dream book
Hair – for the road, trips, moving, traveling. Long hair is a long road, braiding hair is settling things. The longer the braid, the more luck and profit. To get a haircut is to change decisions because of losses, to see a beautiful haircut is to change your life. To see your hair a different color is to accept a valuable offer. Curly hair is an interest in a certain hobby, gray hair is a lot of care. Tangled hair – delusions, loss of orientation in life. Gray hair is a mental crisis. Red hair leads to good money changes. If the hair falls out, there is not enough earnings for a normal life. To see oneself completely overgrown with hair or wool (shaggy) is to enrich oneself through crime. White hair – peace of mind, light brown hair - complaisance and kindness, combed and well–groomed – affection, black beautiful hair – to be loved, to dye your hair – to be mistaken. Combing the hair of others is bothering someone.

Hair according to the dream book of a housewife

Hair – thoughts; desires. Combing your hair – putting your thoughts in order; disheveled hair – complete confusion in your head; changing your hairstyle – changing your desires; reconsidering your way of thinking; haircut – not too deep thoughts; giving up your desires; short haircut – limiting your ambitions; discipline; long hair – femininity; freedom; long tangled hair – disregard for their public image; blond hair – consciousness; wisdom in decision–making; dark hair - not always conscious subconscious thoughts or desires; hidden, secret thoughts; braid or ponytail – youth; thoughts about how people around you perceive you; baldness – fear of old age; illness.

Hair according to the dream book Dashku
the state of your health, as well as self-esteem.

Hair according to Cleopatra 's dream book
This symbol embodies the meaning of strength and energy, carries knowledge and speaks about the character of the person to whom the hair belongs.

According to the type of hair, the character and disposition of a person were judged: it was believed that straight hair, soft and obedient, belonged to people with an easy-going character, and curly heads gave out bullies, revelers and robbers.

To dream of a girl whose hair grows literally in front of your eyes – to an impossible dream; a very stupid person will meet on your way; to money.

To dream that your hair has curled – to serious changes in life; to a change of views; familiar people will stop recognizing you; you will change for the better; a sudden change in character will entail changes in relationships with others.

To see a little girl whose hair is braided into a braid is caring for offspring; you are making long–term plans; your children will bring you joy and comfort; stop worrying and relax with your family; take care of the dowry for your daughter; your child has a long road ahead.

Hair according to a psychotherapeutic dream book
To see your hair gray is honor or reverence; to cut your hair is treason, deception, associated with the loss of money and time; to shave them is pernicious enterprises; to see lice on your head is poverty; to see thick is joy; pomaded is joyful news; burning is profit.

Hair according to the Maya dream book
Good value If you dreamed of black hair (you dyed it black, or you grew black hair, or someone attracted your attention by having black hair), then get ready to receive a gift. To make everything happen, put a black hair into a needle and make 5 stitches on the underwear that you are wearing. (The hair should be black by nature, not due to the paint.)

Bad meaning If you dreamed of blonde hair, it means that you may lose some of your hair in the near future. To protect your hair, pour coffee on it daily for a week (after that they should be rinsed) and eat 1 teaspoon of corn oil.

Hair according to the dream book of catch phrases
HAIR – hair stood on end – fear, horror, surprise. Not a single hair trembled – confidence, self-control, courage. Seven spans in the forehead is very smart. Hanging on by a thread is an extremely dangerous position; being on a thread from... is very close. Tearing your hair out is a great grief, suffering.

Hair according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
They symbolize greatness for a man and vital beauty for a woman, meaning biological health, strength, charm. If the hair is seen together with the whole figure, then this indicates the importance of this person. If the hair is dirty, greasy, tangled, with parasites, unnatural color or seen separately from a person, then it always symbolizes a psychologically negative state or empty eroticism. Falling out hair means loss of vitality. See also the meaning of sleep Hair according to the combined dream book.

Hair according to Shuvalova 's dream book

Symbolize vitality, beauty, attractiveness. if your hair looks clean, healthy, everything is fine with you. But in recurring dreams, it often happens that we see hair falling out, thinning. But this is already a warning: your vital forces are being spent completely irrationally. Are you really doing in life what you need, what you want? Or are you spending too much energy on trifles, or on something that you really don't need at all? Reconsider your lifestyle if you don't want to lose your health.

Hair according to the Old Russian dream book
long – a long road; gray troubles; scratching – a change in life or to loss, especially if they fall out – the loss of a friend; braiding -worries; getting a haircut – to treason, betrayal.

Hair according to the dream book of the Pechora healer
Combing your hair in a dream – foreshadows a profit.

Hair according to the Muslim dream book
If you dream of having thick and long hair, then for young people, women and the military, this leads to wealth, honor, and longevity, and for others – to grief and mental anxiety.

If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his head has fallen out, but not to the extent that a bald spot is revealed, he will get rid of the debt, or be freed from any sadness and anxiety and will experience contentment and joy.

If someone sees a white one among his black hair, he will have a beloved child.

But if a woman sees such a dream, she will have to experience anxiety and care because of her husband.

If someone sees that his hair is being cut, he will lose the property given to him for temporary use (amonat). If the dreamer is poor, he will get rid of the need.

And if someone sees that he cuts his own hair, it means that his secrets will be revealed, and he will be removed from his superiors.

If a woman sees in a dream that her hair is not covered, her husband who is absent will return, and if she does not have a husband, she will receive him.

If she sees in a dream that the hair on her head is being cut, it means that her husband will give her a divorce.

If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his wife's head is cut off, it means that the wife is close to another man.

Hair according to the Explanatory Dictionary of dreams

To see your hair gray is honor or reverence; to cut your hair is treason, deception, associated with the loss of money and time; to shave them is pernicious enterprises; to see lice on your head is poverty; to see thick is joy; pomaded is joyful news; burning is profit.

Hair according to the dream book of the future
Thick hair – wealth, health, vitality; falling out – illness and poverty; hair cut – to loss, damage.

Hair according to an Idiomatic dream book
The hair stood on end – fear, horror, surprise; not a single hair trembled – confidence, self–control, courage; seven spans in the forehead – very smart; hold on by a thread – an extremely dangerous situation; be on the verge of ... - very close; tear on my hair – great grief, suffering.

Hair according to the dream book of the past
Hair – symbolizes vitality, beauty, attractiveness. if your hair looks clean, healthy, everything is fine with you.

But in recurring dreams, it often happens that we see hair falling out, thinning – this is already a warning: your vital forces are being spent completely irrationally. Are you really doing in life what you need, what you want? Or are you spending too much energy on trifles, or on something that you really don't need at all? Reconsider your lifestyle if you don't want to lose your health.

Hair according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A.Roberti
If the hair is seen together with your figure, it means the importance of this person.

Losing hair means losing vitality.

Hair according to the dream book-horoscope
Hair – combing your hair in a dream: a surge of vital energy.

Seeing yourself in a barber shop is waiting for entertainment and friendly parties. Tangled hair – it should postpone the planned business.

Curly hair leads to confusing circumstances.

Hair by online dream book
Hair is a reflection of the wisdom and power of the dreamer. Often such dreams are associated with health and long-term prospects for the person who saw the dream. In addition, these plots are designed to express the well-being and prosperity of a person, regardless of his gender.

If your hair was long and beautiful, you won't have any problems with your health.

Short – the trip can be canceled or postponed.

I dreamed of a thick head of hair – you are capable of a lot.

Hair in a dream is not the same as it really is – a reflection of the feelings that are raging inside you.

Their length in the dream reflects how rapidly your problems will develop.

If they were longer than usual – soon something will make you very happy.

Fragile hair – your health is at risk.

Artificial hair is some kind of unpleasant surprise, an unexpected nuisance.

Artificial hair of an unnatural, bright or unusual color is a lie on the part of close relatives or acquaintances.

To be bald – your superiors will suffer material losses.

Growing hair, according to the dream book, is a sign that there will be profit.

According to the dream book, the roots of the hair – the breadth of the soul of your friends can not leave anyone indifferent, your kindness will be no less generous.

If they get confused, you will be ashamed.

The hair is lying – you will pass through a dark stripe.

If you have seen them, you will get into a difficult situation.

To have a beautiful hairstyle in a dream – all events will work out in your favor.

Combed hair smoothly – you will have a reliable friendship.

Disheveled – a series of problems awaits you.

I dreamed that my hair was lying carelessly on my shoulders – someone close to me would die.

Being bald – you risk getting sick.

If you are too hairy in a dream, you lead too vicious a lifestyle.

This plot tells a woman that she will have to step over morality for the sake of pleasure.

Too short hair in a dream – you are too generous with others.

Soft and lush – you will be happy.

Curly dreamed – soon a lot will change.

For a woman to be covered with hair is a hint that her ego has grown too much.

A beautiful short haircut, according to a dream book, is a sign that you may suffer.

If the hairstyle is combined with the dress – you will be happier than ever.

The tuft stood up straight – you will receive an urgent order.

There was a wreath in your hair – you will be respected by your circle.

The dream book says that a bow in your hair is a hint that you will unexpectedly receive an offer.

Flowers in your own eyes – problems and misfortunes await you.

The girl's hair falls out in clumps – reflections of uncertainty in her appearance.

The guy – something will shake him very much.

Singeing your hair in a dream – a domineering person will lead you to losses.

Long hair stood on end – you will go to a mystical contact.

Those who have been tonsured in moderation have seen – everything will be moderately good for you.

Tangled hair – you will be ashamed.

A crest on your head – hit the road.

Grow curly hair – you are too self-confident in your personal life.

If they were white, you have a subconscious fear of death.

Dandruff to have, according to the dream book – you will be possessed by harmful thoughts.

Lice and fleas in your hair – be more independent, do not listen to advice.

Worms in your hair – the people around you play a big role in your life, so you do not neglect their opinion. It is possible that unkind rumors, unfounded gossip began to spread about you, which shook your self-esteem.

If you dreamed of a lush head of hair, you will be extremely happy.

Hair covered with white flowers for a girl means that her will is weak and her spirit is easy to break.

To see them grow back – you will live a long time.

To go bald for a man – your well-being will decline.

Bald girl – you will suffer from an influx of troubles.

A bald man – you will live and not need anything.

If the hair in a dream is much rarer than it actually is, you will be saddened by something.

If they are confused, a new love will happen soon.

Dream plots in which hair color matters

To dye your hair, according to a dream book – you will face injustice.

One white man with dark hair – soon you will have a child.

Such a dream for a woman means that she will have to worry about her spouse.

Gray hair dreamed – you have to work hard.

Graying whiskey seen – you will be respected.

Gray hair in the mirror noticed – you will come to peace.

To see a young person with gray hair - you will be to blame for your losses.

A gray–haired woman in a woman's dream is a warning about the imminent appearance of a serious rival.

Black hair – a dream suggests that it is easy to involve you in a dubious occupation.

To see curls of this color – you will devote a lot of time to flirting.

Black curls for a man are a hint that he will have to lie to someone.

For a woman, someone decides to seduce her.

The golden hair of a woman in a man's dream suggests that he will become a skilled suitor.

Whitened dreams – many of your business will decline.

Red hair is a warning about the development of inflammation in the dreamer.

To see your beloved red–haired - she will reproach you for infidelity.

Chestnut dreamed – you are not working by vocation.

Hair of different colors on a woman's head in her dream – you will have to make a difficult choice in reality.

Unnatural color – you are too proud.

Motley – to success.

I dream that purple hair is on your head – to show timidity and indecision in life. If you convince people of something, you do it firmly and confidently.

If the hair dye comes off, you will doubt the choice of the second half.

Snow–white dreamed - everything will turn out well.

Chestnut color – you will not be on a horse in work.

If your wife's hair is cut in a dream, she has become close to another man.

The girl's head is not covered – soon she will have changes in personal relationships.

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In a dream I saw hair. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw fleas. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Fleas according to a Modern dream book

If you just see fleas in a dream, it leads to getting money (sometimes to illness), looking for, catching fleas, killing – to a lot of trouble in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.
If fleas bite – trouble. For a woman, such a dream means slander of friends.
A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Fleas according to the Eastern dream book
Fleas are a sign that people you trusted are weaving networks of intrigue around you.

A young woman has a dream in which fleas bite her – warns of slander.

If she sees fleas on her lover, she should be wary of his infidelity.

Fleas according to the dream book of Schiller-A schoolboy
is a serious illness.

Fleas according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina

To see a flea jumping, or to catch it – money, wealth; the elimination of evil with caution and attention.
Looking for fleas on yourself is a domestic worry.
They bite – a big profit.

There are a lot of fleas – sadness.

Fleas according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
You dreamed of a Flea – Slander from friends. Imagine that you smear yourself with an anti-flea remedy, and all the insects immediately die.

Fleas according to the Combined dream book
If you saw fleas in a dream, it means that you will soon receive a monetary profit; to seek out, catch fleas, kill – to significant worries in the house, to anxiety, unpleasant news.

If fleas bite you in a dream – very bad. For a woman, such a dream means the lies of friends.

A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman saw fleas on her lover in a dream, it means that he is cheating on you.

Fleas on the big online dream book

When you dream of a flea or a lot of fleas – rejoice! Quite unexpectedly, you will get a lot of money!
If you dreamed that you were catching fleas, it means that in the very near future you will make peace with your old enemy. This former enemy of yours will become your best friend for life.

If you have watched someone catch fleas in a dream, you know that in the near future your whole life will be measured and calm. No unrest will disturb its calm, measured flow. Take advantage of this respite for relaxation and quiet entertainment.

Fleas according to a Modern dream book
Fleas Are Money. (but that doesn't make it any easier for the dog.)

Fleas according to A.Mindelle's dream book
You dreamed of a Flea – You dream of fleas – a certain person close to you is preparing some intrigues; try to be more careful, do not make promises; a few days of solitude will not hurt you. You dream that fleas are biting you – in real life, the number of your enemies is multiplying; you have weakened control over the situation, and your enemies have taken advantage of it; you will have to spend a lot of energy to make everything the same. A young woman dreams of fleas – in reality, a bad rumor about her will give her a lot of trouble. A young woman dreams that fleas bite her lover – most likely, the lover is not completely faithful to her; he is tactful, makes signs of attention, takes care of him – you can't find fault with him; but there is no faith in him; fleas that bite him are the torments of his conscience.

Fleas according to the Psychoanalytic dream book
What Fleas mean in a dream. 1. Fleas are an irritation, in a dream they mean exactly that. There are always people or situations in life that create difficulties for us, or that we feel are parasites, and we need to go through the decontamination process to become free. 2. We may become aware that we have not been taken care of enough and that people whom we considered our friends have not been honest with us. 3. Fleas are a symbol of a kind of evil that harms, but does not destroy – like, for example, gossip. The dreamer should be aware that he undoubtedly has the opportunity to deal with him.

Fleas according to the Russian dream book

What Fleas mean in a dream – a serious illness.

Fleas according to E.Erickson's dream book
What does a Flea mean in a dream – an erroneous assumption of a serious illness. If there are a lot of them, talk about a painful condition.

Fleas according to the Women's dream book
What does it mean to dream of Fleas – To dream of fleas means a trick on the part of a person close to you, which will cause you anger and irritation. Fleas biting a woman warn of slander from acquaintances. If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this indicates his impermanence.

Fleas according to the housewife 's dream book
Fleas are envy.

Fleas according to Cleopatra 's dream book

The symbol is associated with dirt, street, disorder, something elusive.
To dream of a dog on which fleas jump and bite it – to envy about someone else's wealth; to win the lottery, a sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy the fleas that torment the animal leads to forced interference in other people's affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

To see fleas and bleeding places of bites from them – to inheritance, to monetary lawsuits between you and relatives; perhaps they will turn to you for financial help.

To see an artificial flea the size of a natural one – something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will push you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Fleas on the online dream book
Catching these parasites in a dream is reconciliation with a person you've been offended with for a long time. Kill them

According to the dream book, fleas seen in a dream are a sign of untold wealth.

If you dreamed of these insects living on the water – wait for problems and troubles.

To dream of their accumulation is upsetting.

Killing a flea is a dream – mostly to an unexpected inheritance received under a will. It can also be a lucky lottery ticket or a bonus at work.

I dream that fleas are crawling over you – a misunderstanding between relatives or friends.

If they bit you in a dream, it means that someone speaks unfavorably about you. Traces of their bites

If you dreamed that you were looking for them on yourself – to anxious experiences, and if you found

A dream in which you caught a jumping flea foreshadows material profit, success in everything you undertake.

To dream of them in your hair is the reason for your failures

I dream that parasites bother the dog – you will make a profit, and your loved ones will be left with nothing, perhaps someone's success will upset you.

I dreamed of catching fleas – the fuss associated with household chores, negative news, emotional unrest.

Crush fleas – profit, high income. The more fleas you see, the more money will be credited to your account.

I dream that fleas appeared on the cat – unplanned expenses. Save your wallet from ruin by making thoughtful purchases.

Fleas on the dog – you will compare yourself with your more successful acquaintances, making sure that the comparison is not in your favor, you will feel bitterness and resentment. This dream may have a different interpretation: an unexpected gift, a large amount of money, the misuse of which can harm another person.

I dreamed that fleas bite – this means the lies of loved ones, they can betray or give away your secrets.

Fleas according to Solomon 's dream book
Fleas are a serious disease.

Fleas according to the dream book of lovers

Fleas seen in a dream promise slander from a loved one whom you trust.
A young woman has a dream in which she sees fleas on her lover, speaks of his fickleness and inconstancy.

Fleas according to the Women's dream book
A dream about fleas – initially does not bring anything good.

If you get hurt by these annoying insects, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. It is quite possible that another envious person will want to stipulate you.

If in a dream you are looking for fleas on your lover – you can no longer assign him a date, he is lying to you meanly, having another, and maybe more than one bride like you.

Fleas according to the Lunar dream Book
Catching fleas – getting money; biting – trouble.

To look for fleas is a deception; bedbugs and fleas are a loss, in general, it is always bad to look for them.

Fleas according to Martin Zadeki 's dream book

Fleas are a hidden villain; to look for them is the pursuit of the enemy.

Fleas according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book
Dealing with fleas or eating them is a joy.

Fleas according to the dream book of Shereminskaya
To see is to receive money; to catch is trouble, bad news.

Fleas according to the dream book of the XXI century
To dream of a flea jumping and catching it is a harbinger of money, wealth, and good opportunities to realize your abilities.

To kill a flea is to make money, profit, and receive unplanned income.

To look for fleas in a dream on yourself – to household worries and anxiety, to find – to quarrels and useless arguments.

If fleas bite you in a dream, it means that in reality someone is trying to deceive you, spreading false rumors.

Fleas according to the Slavic dream book
Flea – to a serious illness. Being eaten by fleas is a bestial position. The black moon.

Fleas according to Aesop 's dream book

The flea symbol is associated with dirt, street, disorder, something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that the people have put together about this insect.

To dream of a dog on which fleas jump and bite it – to envy about someone else's wealth; to win the lottery, a sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy the fleas that torment your pet leads to forced interference in other people's affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

To see fleas and bleeding places of bites from them – to inheritance, to monetary lawsuits between you and relatives; perhaps they will turn to you for financial help.

To see an artificial flea the size of a natural one – something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will push you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Fleas according to the Veles dream book
Flea – money / worry, deception, anxiety, quarrel, trouble, bad news, illness; catch – death, trouble, trouble; seek – deception; eat – grief, quarrel; bite – trouble.

Fleas according to the Ukrainian dream book
They say how fleas dream – it will be some bad news.

Catching fleas is a nuisance; seeing is getting money; fleas bite is trouble.

Fleas according to the Gypsy dream book

Slight irritation. Minor problems in business and in personal life.

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In a dream I saw fleas. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw a swimming pool. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Swimming pool according to the English dream book

If not just swimming plays a significant role in a dream, but a swimming pool, this may have additional significance. The pool is a place where you can swim in relative safety, holding on to the edge if you feel tired. Perhaps this is a place where you can draw attention to yourself and your body or to your talents as a swimmer and diver? Or is it a suitable place for training? What is the dream about: Have you competed with others in the same way as in real life? Maybe your subconscious advises you to relax, to do exercises that do not require heavy loads? If you dream that you are diving, then perhaps in life you dive into projects or relationships, enthusiastically plunging into them with your head? Or are you being pushed?

Pool according to Phoebe's big dream book
Swimming pool – your wishes will come true in an unexpected way for you – but you will be satisfied. Imagine that you see a pool with clear, transparent water in front of you. Imagine the landscape around you, which you like best. Here you come to the pool, touch the water with your foot, then enter there and swim with pleasure. Then get out of the water and sit by the pool, looking at the water surface. At this point, you may come up with new opportunities to implement your ideas. This dream is especially necessary when you want the fulfillment of a desire, but you do not see the way to realize it.

The pool according to the Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a pool mean in a dream – see also Water. 1. The dream in which the pool appears is connected with the need to understand our own emotions and inner feelings. A pool in the forest, for example, will mean that we feel the need for peace and tranquility. An urban public swimming pool is our need to structure relationships with other people, whereas a pool on the road is an emotional problem that needs to be dealt with before our plans are implemented. 2. To better understand yourself, first of all you need to study the pool, completely immersed in it, that is, Completely giving yourself to emotions. How we deal with our impulses will tell us a lot about ourselves. The pool may involve a form of purification, especially from old experiences and emotions or from past atrocities. The best picture of this is the baptism in the pool. 3. There is a method of meditation and a technique of image management that can enhance an individual's ability to dream. At first: you imagine that you are walking in a field towards a small depression in the ground, which is on your left side. At the top of this recess is a swimming pool surrounded by trees. Sit quietly beside him, simply thinking about your life. When you are ready, stand up and enter the pool very slowly. Feel the water slowly rising through your body until you are completely submerged. At this moment, get rid of everything that oppresses you, and concentrate on the world within yourself. Then just as slowly exit the pool, return to the starting point on the field and let the image disappear. By practicing this, you will gradually discover that dream images are perceived with great meaning and significance.

Swimming pool according to the Russian dream book
You dreamed of a swimming pool – to find a good friend.

Swimming pool according to the Jewish dream book
What does a swimming pool mean in a dream – Swimming in a pool A dream in the spring means that you will get much less than what you hoped for; in the summer, it means that you will have to temporarily abandon the fulfillment of your desire; a dream in the fall warns that you should not be too easily persuaded; in winter, – for changes.

Swimming pool according to the Women's dream book
Swimming pool – Swimming in the pool in a dream foreshadows a strong love feeling that will make you forget about your duties and affairs. However, disappointment will come very quickly, and it will happen after you enter into an intimate relationship with your chosen one. An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after the breakup of a relationship with a partner. Your whole life has been focused on him alone, and now you just don't know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Believe me, you deserve better.

The pool according to the Magical dream book

A dream to see about you dreamed of a swimming pool – to swim in a beautiful comfortable pool – to a stable financial position and good health. The fear of jumping into the pool from a tower is a doubt in one's abilities, a fear of responsibility. Drowning in the pool is getting into a ridiculous and unsightly situation.

Swimming pool according to the housewife's dream book
What does the Pool mean in a dream – the inner world.

The pool according to the Maya dream book
The good meaning of the Mayan characters in the dream book is adapted to our time. You are swimming in the pool – very soon there will be a new person who will be very important to you and will completely change your ideas about the world. Three mornings in a row, take a glass of water and pour it out the window.

Bad value The pool is frozen, dirty or empty – get ready to be left all alone with a lot of problems. To avoid this, put a small fountain at home (a purchased one will do) or put stones from the seashore, river, lake in the bath and make sure that they are always wet during the week.

Swimming pool according to the online dream book
Your wishes will come true in the near future if you dream of a swimming pool – with just crystal water. It is considered a good sign if you dream that you are swimming in it. In addition, it also means that all your friends are very loyal, and you will very soon be able to get universal recognition.

Dirty water in the pool – indicates minor difficulties in the future. Drown in it

If you dream that someone from your family or people close to you are bathing in it - the dream book promises you abrupt changes in life that will carry you away so much that at the end of all this you will feel completely different.

Watching jumping from a tower directly into the pool in a dream means that you will soon make some decision that will radically change your whole life.

In a dream, jumping into the pool from a tower means drastic changes in life that will affect your entire destiny. For better or for worse, they will be, it all depends on you.

If you are afraid to jump into the pool, you feel insecure, hesitate before making an important decision.

I dreamed that you were standing on the edge of it in a dream – it means to get a warning in a dream about the danger of making the wrong decision, which can lead you to irreparable results.

Watching someone swim in the pool means that in the near future some of your relatives will achieve success, and then they will help you achieve it.

To dream of a pool without water according to a dream book means a spiritual emptiness that appeared after parting with a loved one.

Dreaming of an empty pool – rely only on yourself, a lot of troubles will have to be solved by yourself. You can't count on outside help.

The pool in the dream of an unmarried girl is evidence of her nobility and honesty, which will help you find a real friend soon. If in a dream she will also swim completely naked in it, then in reality she is waiting for a hidden love relationship that will bring her only illness and even deprivation of beauty.

To dive into the pool – a certain person will try to seduce you. Diving in a pool with clean water

Swimming in the pool is a dream – soon there will be an acquaintance with an important person for you, try to be ready for it. It is more than likely that it will be some old acquaintance to whom you have had tender feelings in the past.

Swimming in the pool is as good as in life

If you dreamed that you started swimming in a pool with clear clear water

A dream in which you decide to swim in the pool – your career will go up, you will become a favorite of your surroundings.

Swimming in the pool with someone else

Swim in a clean pool

According to the dream book, a pool with clean water is the fulfillment of cherished desires. The most intimate dreams and hopes are about to come true.

According to the dream book of lovers
, a girl who dreams that she is swimming in the pool will meet a real friend who will help her become successful and win the favor of others.

Swimming pool according to the Women's dream book
This dream promises reliable friends who will never leave in trouble, as well as the successful completion of all things started and not yet started. And all this is thanks to your openness, attractiveness and charm.

Swimming pool according to the Russian dream book
Pool – promises profit.

Swimming pool according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic dream book
Swimming pool. Bosom.

The pool according to the dream book for the bitch
Swimming pool – your positive character traits will attract real friends and help strengthen your position in society.

The pool according to the dream book of the XXI century

To dream of a pool with clean water – to fulfill your desires, to drown in it – achieving the goal will generate unforeseen difficulties.

Swimming pool according to the Slavic dream book
Swimming pool – prosperity and well-being. Diving into the pool is for sexual pleasure. The cleaner the water, the better. Dirty water is evidence of illicit pleasures and possible betrayal in love. Water signs 5 house.

Swimming pool according to Longo's dream book
Swim in a dream in the pool – for an early and important meeting for you, be ready for it. Maybe there will be a meeting with one of your old acquaintances, to whom you used to be not indifferent.

If you swam in the pool in a dream as well as you know how to do it in reality, then in the near future they will make you an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it. In fact, you need to call on all your insight to help: you need to find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy. It is quite possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait!

To see one of your loved ones swimming in the pool - it's time for big changes in your life that will so capture you that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person. These changes affect all spheres of life – from family relationships to work and professional activities.

If in a dream you really liked to swim in the pool and you did it with great pleasure – it means that in reality you were too caught up in everyday worries, you are unable to leave the daily hustle and bustle and at least have a little rest. Be careful, otherwise you will overexert yourself.

If you did not like staying in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just a bad mood, etc.) – a dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for a while. This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or business trip. Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost imperceptibly.

Jumping in the pool from a tower – you are on the threshold of some very important, global decision concerning the rest of your life. This decision will entail strong changes that will affect primarily your future.

The pool according to the dream book Veles

To swim in a dream in the pool is to strengthen the social position, the position in society, if someone else is swimming in the pool, then the acquisition of reliable friends

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In a dream I saw a swimming pool. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw walking barefoot. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Walking barefoot in a Women's dream book
Running barefoot – Running barefoot in a dream means that in intimate life you are not shy to show your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting, this is the interpretation of walking Barefoot in a dream book.

Walking barefoot through a psychotherapeutic dream book
Running barefoot is a nuisance.

Walking barefoot through the Explanatory Dictionary of dreams
Running barefoot is a nuisance.

Walking barefoot in the dream book of the future
To walk barefoot – success in business, profit and wealth.

Walking barefoot on the dream book of relationships
If you dream that you are running barefoot, it means that you tend to openly show your emotions.

Walking barefoot on an online dream book
According to the dream book, walking barefoot in a dream is not to be ashamed of your feelings in real life.

If you dreamed that you were walking on the ground without shoes – soon you will have great luck and a rapid increase in social status.

A dream in which you saw a footprint on wet sand foreshadows you to conquer new peaks and achieve everything you have planned.

Walking barefoot according to Solomon's dream book
To go barefoot – success in business, profit, wealth.

Walking barefoot in a Women's dream book
If you dream that you are traveling along the seashore barefoot, getting an unforgettable impression of the water, sand and sun – a magical fulfillment of all desires awaits you ahead.

If you notice the footprint of a bare foot on wet sand – be prepared for the increased attention of the male part of the population.

Walking barefoot on a lunar dream book
Running barefoot is poverty.

To walk barefoot according to Martin Zadeka's dream book
To walk or run with bare feet is avarice, dishonor.

Walking barefoot in the Russian dream book
To see yourself barefoot leads to the loss of a close friend.

Walking barefoot in an Islamic dream book
And whoever sees that he walks barefoot is a sign that he is a good believer and his misfortunes will end. And some also say that this dream for a man foreshadows a catastrophe or a great misfortune with his wife, which will be the reason for their divorce.

Walking barefoot in the Slavic dream book
To see oneself barefoot – to poverty or to illness.

Walking barefoot in the dream book Veles
Barefoot – for theft, loss, they will steal from you or take you for a thief; to be barefoot – profit, wealth, success in business / will be robbed, impoverished, illness.

Walking barefoot in the Ukrainian dream book
Barefoot – to loss; respect; to walk on dew – health, dew pricks – beware.

Walking barefoot through the Alphabet of dream Interpretation
Barefoot is a sign of close contact with the earth, with the basics of life.

However, to be barefoot, having lost shoes, means to feel insecure.

Walking barefoot on the ground, experiencing pleasant sensations is a sign of prosperity in any area.

Worry about missing shoes – past mistakes will lead you to failure.

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In a dream I saw walking barefoot. What does it mean?

In a dream, I saw an ex-boyfriend. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


If the relationship ended on your initiative – perhaps you doubt whether you did the right thing or whether there was a good enough reason.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal or the desire to break up with you – you have a dual desire to be with him again, and forget about him forever. In this case, it is better to pay attention to your current personal life, make new acquaintances and communicate with old friends.

It is undesirable to stay completely alone for a long time – this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will affect your fate in a bad way.

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In a dream, I saw an ex-boyfriend. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw a hospital. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Hospital according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Hospital – christening; to visit or take someone away - incredible news; to be in it – lack of money, stupid situation; psychiatric, to be placed there – complete success, fame, recognition; to be a doctor, nurse – successful cases; to get into the hospital – beware of the intrigues of the other sex.

Hospital according to a Modern dream book
To see yourself leaving the hospital means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who tried to cause you quite a lot of trouble.

If you saw a psychiatric hospital in a dream, then the upcoming difficulties that you will have to overcome will cause you a strong mental tension.

If you dream that you are sick and are in a hospital room, this is a sign of an impending illness.

Visiting patients leads to unpleasant news.

Hospital according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy
health, happiness, profit, success.

Hospital according to the dream book of Catherine the Great
Hospital – You see yourself in a hospital – this dream leads to bad news related to health, or to a deterioration in health (even if you are a medic by profession and see your workplace in a dream). It is as if you are leaving the hospital - a good dream; you will finally get rid of the enemies who have long spoiled your life, and of the ailments that have long overshadowed your life.

Hospital according to the Noble dream book by N.Grishina

Lying in the hospital is inner loneliness, worries / prolonged and painful self–knowledge under the influence of external circumstances.
To visit the hospital – secret thoughts / attraction to their doppelgangers, unwillingness to overcome their duality.

Doctor's appointment, medical examination – unexpected self-knowledge.

Visiting patients at home is a joy.

Hospital according to the dream book of the healer Akulina
What does a Hospital mean in a dream – A dream portends trouble or losses, Imagine that the hospital will be disbanded, and in its place there will be a luxury hotel with a garden and a swimming pool.

Hospital according to the Combined dream book
Watch yourself leaving the hospital – you will avoid the insidious plans of the enemies and will be the winner.

If you have observed a psychiatric hospital in a dream – get ready for unexpected troubles, you will worry a lot, but everything will end well.

If you dreamed that you were sick and lying in the hospital – this is a sign of the upcoming illness. Visiting patients in a dream leads to unpleasant news.

Hospital according to the dream book of happy omens
Psychiatric clinic – being in it is a complete success.

Hospital according to a Modern dream book
Hospital – Health, profit

Visiting patients is an unexpected happiness. (don't forget to visit a sick friend.)

Hospital according to the English dream book

You dreamed of a Hospital – This image can dream often, without much meaning if you have recently visited a hospital, are awaiting surgery or are working in the field of healthcare in real life. In other cases, look for symbolic parallels with some aspects of your life. What is the dream about: Have you worked in a hospital, for example as a nurse or a doctor? Perhaps you see yourself as someone experienced enough to interfere in other people's lives, if not physically, then emotionally, for example as a surgeon who cuts out the source of the disease? If you were a patient, were you well cared for or was your stay in the hospital painful and humiliating? In the second case, sleep may indicate ill health and its treatment should be taken up, no matter how ashamed you are. The hospital can be a warning from the subconscious, advice to monitor your health – maybe it's time for you to check with a doctor.

Hospital according to an Intelligent dream book
To dream of a hospital is to dream of an unpleasant sight; to lie in a hospital is to get help.

Visiting patients is a joy, so the dream that you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Hospital for Psychoanalytic Dream Book
What does a Hospital mean in a dream – see also Operation. 1. Since our attitude to the hospital can be different, then in the dream it is ambiguous: it is presented as a safe place, then vice versa, as a place where we become vulnerable. In the first case, the dreamed hospital will be correctly interpreted as a hint that we need a respite from worries and worries, that we should take care of ourselves in order to gain new strength. If we understand that the hospital scares us, then in this case we most likely need to get rid of something in real life, put ourselves at the service of others and allow ourselves to go with the flow until the situation improves. 2. A dream about being in a hospital can mentally create a transitional period between something that went wrong and an improved state of things. Visiting someone lying in the hospital means that we know that some color of ourselves is not in the best condition, is damaged and needs observation. 3. A healing environment where things can be in a state of Valence is what a hospital is in a dream.

Hospital according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Hospital – To see yourself lying in a hospital: to need to see a doctor or to be caught up in worries, inner loneliness. To visit someone in the hospital is to improve the circumstances. Working in a hospital means going through hard times.

Hospital according to the Home dream book
You dreamed of a Hospital – the need or process of treating the body or soul; a painful relationship. Therapeutic department – dependence on someone. Resuscitation – danger; relief; the realization that you have to part with someone; the memory of the person who left you; do not want to leave the hospital – lack of confidence in your own abilities, that you can cope with all the difficulties of life.

Hospital according to the Russian dream book
What does a hospital mean in a dream – as a rule, it means health and success in business, but it can also be a warning about illness; it can personify the patient's body, and parts of the building are organs or sore spots in a figurative sense (fears, experiences, anxieties). Sometimes he talks about the fear of illness, death or loneliness, about the desire for care and security.

Hospital according to the Jewish dream book
What does a Hospital mean in a dream – To lie in a hospital A dream that you dreamed on Monday night means that you will learn something that will comfort and calm you; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday – to solve an important issue; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday – to absence money. To be discharged from the hospital, a dream that you had on Monday night is for moving to a new apartment; a dream that you had on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night means that you will be freed from anxiety and unjustified suspicions; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, means that you will try to do something new for you.

Hospital according to the Magical Dream Book

You dreamed of a hospital – christening. To visit someone in the hospital – to sad news concerning familiar people. To see yourself as a patient is the fulfillment of a request.

Hospital for Psychotherapeutic dream book
To see a hospital is an unpleasant sight; to lie in a hospital is to get help.

Hospital according to the Maya dream book
Good value You are outside the hospital – there is a high probability that in the coming days you will be repaid a debt that you have already forgotten about, or you will receive a bonus, there is also a high probability that you will be lucky in the lottery. To make everything come true in the best possible way, make a gift to a stranger.

Bad meaning You are inside the hospital – one of your colleagues wants to take your place and is ready to do anything for this! To prevent this, draw a small cross on your left wrist with red paint or lipstick and come to work wearing something backwards.

Hospital according to the Italian dream book by Meneghetti
It means psychosomatic disorders, diseases caused by negative or mechanistic effects.

Hospital according to Shuvalova 's dream book
Since a hospital is a place where a person is when he is seriously ill, such an image may reflect the fear of illness or death. If you don't have such a fear in the present tense, remember your past and try to find the moment where this fear was and where it stretches into your present. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a desire to take care of a person and show him more attention. This, again, may be a consequence of the fear that arose in childhood that you would be left alone.

Hospital according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams
To see a hospital is an unpleasant sight; to lie in a hospital is to get help.

Hospital according to the dream book of the past

Since a hospital is a place where a person is when he is seriously ill, such an image may reflect the fear of illness or death. If you don't have such a fear in the present tense, remember your past and try to find the moment where this fear was and where it stretches into your present. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a desire to take care of a person and show him more attention. This, again, may be a consequence of the fear that arose in childhood that you would be left alone.

Hospital by online dream book
In a dream, I dreamed that you are in some hospital institution, as a patient - you should urgently consult doctors about real diseases, or you will suffer from depression.

If in a dream you are an employee at the clinic – the dream book promises you a very difficult time soon.

Being discharged from the clinic in a dream means that in reality you will soon recover.

To visit someone from relatives and relatives in the hospital - the dreamer will have all his business affairs on the mend or even up. Or someone generously sympathizes with you.

To see a psychiatric hospital in a dream – expect sudden problems and difficulties, about which you will have to worry a lot, but in the end everything will be fine.

If in a dream you do not want to be discharged from the clinic, it means that you are indecisive in your personal ability to stay one–on-one with the whole world.

I dreamed that you suddenly returned to the hospital where you had been treated shortly before – soon your condition will worsen, especially with regard to some chronic diseases, and you may even be left alone.

To be engaged in the construction of some hospital institution - soon you will find a large sum of money, or someone from your distant relatives will give you something very valuable.

I dream of a fire in the hospital – be vigilant, you may soon get into an accident.

Get to the hospital – beware of enemies who are plotting behind your back or betrayal of the second half.

To dream of sores on the head is a threat of infection with a disease that has not yet been ill. Try to follow all the rules of personal hygiene, adhere to a certain diet in order to minimize the possibility of illness.

I dreamed of seeing sores on my legs – there will be a discord in relations with partners. Everyone will prove their position, so there is no avoiding conflict. Be more flexible in solving issues.

Psychiatric hospital in a dream – you will have a heavy heart when you have to cope with difficulties.

Stay in the hospital – arrange at least a short vacation, otherwise overloads at work can lead to poor health.

Hospital according to the Universal dream Book
I know why the food in the hospital is so tasteless – it's made to make the medicines seem delicious! What happens in the hospital in your dream? Do you work in a hospital or visit someone? Is there a person close to you in the hospital, or are you a patient yourself? How do you feel about the hospital? Does the hospital symbolize recuperation after a difficult period of life? Or is it a symbol of addiction: for example, do you (or another person) need medical help to maintain life?

The hospital symbolizes understanding. Your subconscious mind in this way draws your attention to a physical problem that needs to be solved. Of course, if you work in a hospital in real life, the interpretation of sleep may be related to your professional activity.

Hospital according to the American dream book
The hospital is a place of healing.

Hospital according to Solomon 's dream book
Hospital – health, happiness, profit, success.

Hospital according to an Old English dream book

Being in a hospital in a dream is a harbinger of an accident or illness.

If you leave the hospital, then you will recover.

And if in a dream you came to the hospital to visit a sick friend – this is a sign of the speedy improvement of your affairs and the sympathy of a noble heart.

Hospital according to the Russian dream book
Hospital – to big and small failures.

Hospital according to the Dream Interpreter of 1829
Seeing a hospital in a dream and going to it portends poverty and impoverishment.

Hospital according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book
Since a hospital is a place where a person is when he is seriously ill, such an image may reflect the fear of illness or death. If you don't have such a fear in the present tense, remember your past and try to find the moment where this fear was and where it stretches into your present. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a desire to take care of a person and show him more attention. This, again, may be a consequence of the fear that arose in childhood that you would be left alone.

Putting someone in the hospital is the desire of this person's dependence on the individual.

One's own hospitalization means either fears for one's health (fear of death and illness), or a desire for care or a masochistic desire for violence as a result of isolation.

The type of hospital and the observed patients (surgical, mentally ill) are also important.

Hospitals, nurses, doctors. It may be related to children's games on this topic with erotic fixation, the game of the doctor.

Hospital according to the dream book of the XXI century

To dream of a hospital or to be in it is not a very good sign, it may be a harbinger of trouble or losses.

Being in a hospital room in a dream is a sign of impending resentment or dissatisfaction with your act or behavior, visiting a patient in a dream and being in his hospital room means that you may find yourself in a situation where you realize that you made a mistake, but you can't do anything to fix it.

Lying in the hospital – you can expect worries, inner loneliness, under the influence of external circumstances, prolonged and painful self-knowledge.

Being in a hospital in a dream means that someone will try to ignore you, neglect your opinion, create additional problems for you.

To be examined in a medical institution means that a shift for the better in both health and business will soon begin.

Passing a medical examination in a dream is a warning, you need to take care of your health.

To see in a dream how you take tests – promises you unnecessary trouble.

Being in a dream in a medical center means that obstacles await you and your work will go with great difficulty, but in the end you will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Being in a dream in a hydrotherapy clinic means that in reality you will be able to avoid an undesirable meeting, if in a dream you are sent there for treatment, then in reality you will have to defend your point of view for a long time.

If you are visiting someone in a hospice (a special clinic for hopeless patients), in reality someone is in a very difficult situation and needs your help.

Being in a hospice yourself means that in reality you will be able to solve all the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

Hospital according to the Slavic dream book
Hospital – someone connected to you on a subtle level will get there, but you will most likely avoid it, as you will be stronger. Although your health also requires your attention. To visit the sick is to do a God–pleasing thing. 12 horoscope house.

Hospital according to Loff 's Dream Book
The hospital is not a pleasant place, We get there for various reasons, and also learn about them from newspapers and television series. Although it is better not to get into this gloomy institution – either as a patient or as a visitor. Nevertheless, as an unavoidable part of reality, hospitals dream of a person quite often. Moreover, as a rule, hospitals are rarely related to diseases. However, in many dreams we have enough reasons to stay there. It can be an ambulance, therapy, intensive care. Our hospital experience also varies, from the inability to leave the hospital to the use of absurd methods of treatment. Strangely enough, in a dream, emergency departments are directly related to the well-being of people important to us and relationships with them.

People who are in the emergency department are often overly concerned about thoughts about their visitors or, conversely, about the victims they have to visit.

Therapeutic separation is an indication that we need others or want others to need us.

Dreams unfolding in therapy are a manifestation of addiction: relationships in the hospital are one–sided and are characterized by the patient's dependence on the doctor. This is one of the types of addiction.

Intensive care is a department associated with danger, and sometimes with relief. It is clear to everyone that only seriously ill people get there. Maybe you need to let someone go.

Another resuscitation can remind you of a person who has long passed away.

If you do not want to leave the hospital, it means that you are unsure of your own ability to face the world one–on-one, because the hospital, in addition to pain, is associated with the concepts of care, care and support. What are you sick with? The answer to this question will tell you in which area you need additional support.

Being treated with absurd methods in a hospital is a way to balance the imbalance in life needs and requirements. Is everyone paying too much attention to something that, in your opinion, does not deserve concern? Or on the contrary, are you being treated for a completely different disease? This is especially funny if, for example, you have grown to an incredible size, but consider it quite normal, while others are extremely concerned about your unrestrained growth. Your incredible size becomes an object of obsession of doctors, among whom you can recognize a boss from work, a love partner or a tennis acquaintance, etc. In more gloomy versions of such a dream, you are given the torment of the fact that you feel seriously ill, but you cannot get proper treatment and treatment from doctors.

Hospital according to a short dream book by Denise Lynn
A place of healing.

Hospital according to a detailed dream book by Denise Lynn
Hospital – think about going to a doctor's examination and checking your health status. Do you take care of your body? What can be done to strengthen the body?

Hospital according to the Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a doctor or a hospital, then this is a disease. To buy is weakness, need; to sell is failure, but corrective; bitter medicine – enemies, enemies depress you; sweet medicine -insidiousness, deception.

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In a dream I saw a hospital. What does it mean?

In a dream I saw a bathhouse. What does it mean?

22.10.2024 {full-story}


Bath according to the Magical dream book

You dreamed of a bathhouse – to see yourself in a bathhouse – to be involved in a conflict showdown. To feel cold in the bath is disappointing. To feel a strong bath heat is to lose your temper over a trifle. To get out of the bath – to get rid of detractors. A large number of people in the bath – mutual support. If there are a lot of dressed people in the bathhouse, you should hurry things up. To see the bathhouse from the outside – to feel a hopeless state. To bathe in a bath is to experience shame.

Bath according to the dream book Dashku
a place where you can have a good time, wash up, but also get into an awkward situation. Go to the bathhouse, - if you dreamed of someone familiar in the bathhouse, among other things, it is possible that you sent him. If you painfully whip yourself with a broom in the bath, then you are punishing yourself for something. Burn yourself in a hot steam bath, to unrequited love. Slip in the bath, made a mistake. If you are a man and find yourself in a women's bath, then you clearly do not have enough warmth.

Bath according to Cleopatra 's dream book

In mythology, it has been said more than once that not only ordinary mortals, but also the gods liked to use the bathhouse. During excavations in Greece, ruins of ancient wells and pools were discovered. It was believed that the bathhouse brings strength, beauty and health to a person.

The great sage Socrates loved and appreciated the bath very much, believing that it brings health and clarity of mind to a person. And Cleopatra had special beauty recipes – after the bath, she applied special ointments to her skin that made her skin tender and radiant.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a hot bath, then in reality such a dream promises you only good things. Luck will not leave you with its attention.

A dream in which you are steaming in a bath in clothes warns you that because of your negligence you will receive a fair reprimand from one of your loved ones.

Being in a dream in a cold, unheated bath is a bad sign. You need to pay more attention to your health.

If in a dream you feel the burning heat of the bath, then this is a sign that in reality you are destroying someone else's well-being with your actions.

To get burned in the bath with hot steam – to unrequited love and emotional experiences.

If you dream of guessing in the bath – be careful! In reality, you are haunted by failures, as a result of which you feel like a man cornered.

To see in a dream how you build a bathhouse – this means that in real life you strive for peace and home comfort.

Slipping in the bath on the floor is a sign that someone from your household will commit an ugly act towards you.

Steaming in a new bath is a sign that in reality you have such a bad quality as envy.

Bath according to the Psychotherapeutic dream
book Bath. To enter it is hopelessness, to go out is pleasure; to see a woman in a bath is grief, a man is poverty; to see blood in a bath is sudden death; to see dancing in a bath is illness.

Bath according to the dream book of catch phrases
BATH – to arrange a bath for someone – to make a beating, a reprimand. Went to the bathhouse – a curse. Hurry to undress like in a bath – disorientation, haste. Neck soap – a threat; zaparka – haste, not to cope with work. Naparit – to impose, oblige, deceive. Soar (powder) brains – confuse, deceive. See additional soap, washcloth.

Bath according to the Old Russian dream
book, to enter is hopelessness; to exit is pleasure; to see women in a bath is grief, illness; a man is poverty, dancing people are a disease.

Bath according to the dream book for women

To see yourself in a dream in a sauna is a responsible assignment, if you had such a dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, you will have to make a choice between your family and a new novel.

Being in a cold sauna in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday – in reality you will have to listen to the advice of a close relative.

If you dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that you are in a sauna, where it is very hot, and you are suffocating there from the hot air, this foreshadows serious experiences associated with the betrayal of people you trusted.

Bath according to the Muslim dream book
If someone sees that he is washing in a bath, he will get rid of grief and care, and if someone sees a bath without water, he will get trouble from a woman.

Bathhouse according to the Explanatory dictionary of dreams
A bathhouse, to enter it is hopelessness, to go out is pleasure; to see a woman in a bathhouse is grief, a man is poverty; to see blood in a bathhouse is sudden death; to see dancing in a bathhouse is illness.

Bath according to the dream book of the future

A bathhouse is a pleasant adventure; if you see others washing, an interesting society awaits you; if you are steaming in a bathhouse, it promises an environment of extremely irritated people.

Bath according to the idiomatic dream
book Arrange a bath for someone - to make a beating, a reprimand; went to the bath – a curse; hurry to undress like in a bath – disorientation, haste; lather your neck – a threat; zaparka – haste, not to cope with work; naparit – impose, oblige, deceive; soar (powder) brains – confuse, deceive.

Dream book bath for the whole family
To see yourself in a dream in a sauna is a responsible assignment, if you had such a dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, you will have to make a choice between your family and a new novel.

Being in a cold sauna in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday – in reality you will have to listen to the advice of a close relative.

If you dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that you are in a sauna, where it is very hot, and you are suffocating there from the hot air – this foreshadows serious experiences associated with the betrayal of people you trusted.

Bath according to the online dream book
According to the dream book, a sauna is a symbol of a fun pastime and, at the same time, various embarrassments. Bathe in a dream

To see yourself steaming in a Turkish bath – you will have fun without worries.

A dream in which you see yourself in an old Russian warns of possible deterioration of health.

I dreamed that you beat yourself with a bath broom – in reality you blame yourself a lot for something.

If you are burned in this building, you will be disappointed in the love field, if you slip, then you will make some mistake in life.

If a man sees himself in a women's bath, he needs care and understanding.

Watching others steaming is a rest in an interesting company.

A cold, cold bath, according to the dream book, is a bad sign. Pay attention to your well-being, do not start chronic diseases.

If you dreamed of a neat bath – you will have success in love, and at the same time a dirty, unkempt bath

I dream that you are singing in it – to the restriction of freedom in real life.

To suffer from a sense of shame when you wash in the bath with other people – in life, because of indecision, you will miss your chance.

Steaming in clothed – to be held accountable for something.

A dream in which you find yourself in an unheated bath is a sign that something is wrong with your health. If, on the contrary, you are very hot in the bath

To build a bathhouse – to the beginning of a new relationship.

If you had a dream to heat a bath, then this is a good dream, your troubles will be resolved soon. The most difficult cases will pass without a hitch, without a hitch.

Soaring in the bath – for joy, for good health. Your income may increase dramatically.

Steaming in the bath right in your clothes

I dreamed of steaming in the bath with a broom

If you dream that the bathhouse is burning, quarrels and scandals in the family are waiting for you in life. In order not to drown in squabbles and minor troubles, try not to accumulate irritation and fatigue.

Bath according to Solomon 's dream book
Bath – infirmity, impotence, deception, hopelessness; to wash – well-being.

Bath according to the Lunar dream book

To see a bathhouse, to steam – fun, joy. To enter it is hopelessness; to go out is pleasure; to see a woman in a bath is a disappointment; a man is poverty; dancing is a disease.

Bath according to the dream book of Martin Zadeki
To see a bathhouse and to wash in it is well–being, receiving honor.

Bathhouse according to the Medieval dream book of Daniel
To see yourself washing in the bath – to trouble and anger.

To wash in the bath – to trouble.

To see or have a burning beard yourself is to suffer.

To see yourself in a hot bath is to worry.

Bath according to the Russian dream book
A bath is a big nuisance, washing leads to illness.

Bathhouse according to the Russian dream book
A place where you can have a good time, wash up, but also get into an awkward situation.

If you dreamed of someone familiar in the bath - among other things, it is possible that you sent him.

If you painfully whip yourself with a broom in the bath – you are punishing yourself for something.

Get burned in a hot steam bath – to unrequited love.

To slip in the bath – made a mistake.

If you are a man and find yourself in a women's bath – you clearly do not have enough warmth.

Bath according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gong
You want to enter the public baths. – Foreshadows a loss or an unlucky event.

Bathhouse according to the Dream Interpreter of 1829
Bathhouse: cooking it in a dream – rumors of hostilities;

To see an empty bathhouse is bitterness and sadness;

Undressing without entering the bathhouse is a displeasure that is soon forgotten;

To enter a bathhouse that is too hot or too cold means to have domestic troubles, more or less upsetting.

Bath according to the Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
If someone sees that he/she is washing in the bath, he/she will certainly get rid of grief and care, and if someone dreams of a bath without water, he/she will be involved in serious troubles that a certain woman will bring him/her.

Bath according to a dream book for a bitch
Sauna – interesting adventures, meeting new people, fun and entertainment.

Bath according to the dream book of the XXI century
To see a bathhouse in a dream – pleasant adventures are waiting for you.

Being in a dream in a Turkish bath – you will have rest and entertainment.

Sitting in a sauna in a dream – you will hardly achieve the goal you were striving for, but it will be in vain.

Steaming in a dream is for fun and profit.

To wash yourself in the bath – surprise, health, wealth.

If at the same time you get pleasure and enjoyment – you will have a happy family life full of joy and pleasure.

If you see how others are washing, an interesting society awaits us.

To see a man in a bathhouse is a diminution of your prosperity, poverty, a woman – to the chagrin.

Blood in the bath is a misfortune.

If you are in a steam room in a dream, this is a harbinger that all your problems will suddenly be resolved in a fairly simple, but extraordinary way.

Bath according to the Slavic dream book

Bath – for joy and fun.

Bath according to Aesop's dream book
In mythology, it has been said more than once that not only ordinary mortals, but also the gods liked to use the bathhouse. During excavations in Greece, ruins of ancient wells and pools were discovered.

In Russia, people could not imagine life without a bathhouse. Russian bone, loves warmth – so says the folk wisdom. In the baths they were treated, guessed, divined. In fairy tales, before solving some difficult case, the good fellow was first taken to the bathhouse. These traditions were adhered to by the evil Baba Yaga, and Koschei, and other evil spirits. People say about the bathhouse like this: The bathhouse is the second mother. You'll steam the bones, direct the whole body.

It was believed that a bathhouse brings strength, beauty and health to a person.

The great sage Socrates loved and appreciated the bath very much – believing that it brings health and clarity of mind to a person.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a hot bath, then in reality such a dream promises you only good things. Luck will not leave you with its attention.

A dream in which you are steaming in a bath in clothes warns you that because of your negligence you will receive a fair reprimand from your boss.

Being in a dream in a cold, unheated bath is a bad sign. You need to pay more attention to your health.

If in a dream you feel the burning heat of the bath – this is a sign that in reality you are destroying someone else's well-being with your actions.

A dream in which you are steaming in the bath and painfully whipping yourself with a broom means that you yourself will give food to rumors and gossip by your behavior.

To get burned in the bath with hot steam – to unrequited love and emotional experiences.

If you dream of guessing in the bath – be careful! In reality, you are haunted by failures, as a result of which you feel like a man cornered.

To see in a dream how you build a bathhouse – this means that in real life you strive for peace and home comfort.

Slipping in the bath on the floor is a sign that someone from your household will commit an ugly act towards you.

Steaming in a new bath is a sign that in reality you have such a bad quality as envy.

To dream of a bath broom without leaves – in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause outrage and condemnation of others.

Bath according to the dream book Veles
Bath – gossip, bad, shame, illness, deception, news of the death of an acquaintance; go to the bath – bad, hopelessness; go out – joy, pleasure; wash in it – you will boast, life will be renewed, fun, joy / your bones are washed; steamed – resentment; drown – rumors of war; empty – grief, sadness; too hot, cold – domestic troubles; to undress without entering the bath – minor troubles; to see a man in the bath – poverty; a woman – distress, illness; dancing people – illness.

Bathhouse according to the Erotic dream book by Danilova
In a dream, steaming in a bath is a prediction that you will spend your free time away from your home and lover, but it will give you great pleasure.

And if you see how others are steaming, it means that your thoughts will be occupied with pleasant acquaintances or an incipient romance.

If in a dream you are making love in a bath – in reality you will meet a person who is able to realize your erotic fantasies.

Sauna according to the Ukrainian dream book
Bath – news of the death of an acquaintance; weakness.

Bath according to the Children's dream book

Bath – you need to pay attention to your health, your body is weakened now.

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In a dream I saw a bathhouse. What does it mean?